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Gloria and Chad were home on this pleasant Sunday afternoon with their adorable twin daughters, Chloe and Camille who were now eleven months old, and the apple of grandpa's eye, who was spoiling them endlessly as they watched him with one child on each knee and an arm around each, he was beaming from ear to ear, as they chattered to him in a language that only they seemed to understand.

Gloria was filling them in on how the plans for the girl’s first birthday bash were coming along; it was going to be quite an affair, for children and parents alike.

The invitations had gone out, the entertainment lined up, if all went as planned there would be a carnival set up in their very own back yard, with amusements for all ages, the twin cakes were ordered. Along with a catered lunch and lot's of ice-cream and goodies for the children, surely a sugar overload would be permitted by the parents for one day only.

Chad gave his complete approval and said, "Spare no expense," after all his business was a huge success, and this was all for their beautiful twin daughters very first birthday, "one year old."

Their nights out dancing were very limited, these days and when they did get an evening out it was no more dancing till dawn, but of course they were very happy, and would gladly give up entertainment for themselves, now that they had their baby girls to raise.

Gloria stopped in at the beauty shop now and then, mostly to show her babies off to her old customers, she still had an income from the shop, more in the form of rent as there was a new manager running the business. One of her girls who had been with her the longest had taken over, and so when she stopped in, she was very comfortable there, and enjoyed her visits as did all the customers.

Ed and Sally were having a restful day, reading and re-reading the Sunday paper, and then catching up on medical journals for veterinary medicine of course, which is what interested them both, and was most important in their lives, so important they never got around to starting a family other than the one they have with their animals.

They are however adopted aunt and uncle to their many friends, children, and God parents to Chad and Gloria's twins.

As Sally walked in from the kitchen, she ask, "Ed dear, do you think our gifts to the girls will set alright with Chad and Gloria? And Smokey of course?" "Yes, Sally my dear, I'm sure of it, Smokey's a good old fellow and very laid back, sleeps a lot, I'm sure he will accept two little ones into his home. "Chad's father has kept their Collie so she won't be a problem."

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