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Crouching Tiger, Forbidden Vampire

Page 52

Panic flares inside me, a spark of fire simmering in my belly, and I step back.

Han keeps his arm stretched out. “You didn’t think I would leave you here alone, did you? We’re family now. We will go together.”

I shake my head and retreat another step.

His extended hand curls into a fist. “Come here.”

Hot tears burn my eyes. My feet refuse to move.

With a whoosh, Master Han swoops toward me and grasps me by the arms. “Don’t think you can defy me. I’ve been good to you so far. That could change in a second.”

The spark in my belly withers away, and I bow my head. I will not escape tonight.

“That’s my boy.” Han pats me on the shoulder.

Everything goes black as he teleports me away.

When we arrive, I look around. The moon is half full. The sky is clear. The land is green. A field stretches out before us, line after line of carefully tended green bushes. Workers move between the plant rows, their shoulders slumped, their eyes devoid of life. Like me, they are trapped by a power greater than them.

A thick forest surrounds the field. I am tempted to slip away into the trees, but Han does not release his grip on me until his guards encircle us and escort us to the end of the field. Wu Shen is waiting there with about thirty soldiers. They have brought the mortal volunteers who will be changed.

A stage has been erected at the end of the field. Wu Shen’s soldiers position the mortals in a row facing the stage, then they form a line behind the mortals. They are armed with swords, and I fear they will strike any volunteer who changes his mind. Wu Shen orders the mortals to kneel.

Master Han leaves me with his guards as he inspects the mortals. “This is it?” he yells. “There are less than fifty. I need at least a hundred!”

Wu Shen bows. “My apologies, master. This was all we could gather on short notice.”

Han marches down the row of kneeling mortals, eyeing them with disdain. “Some are too old. Or too sickly to be soldiers.”

“That is why they volunteered,” Wu Shen says as he follows Han. “They want the potion that will give them superstrength so they can be healthy again.”

Han clenches his fists. “They should come for the honor of serving me!”

The mortals bow down, their foreheads touching the ground. I suspect they have been warned not to anger Master Han.

With a deafening crack of thunder and flash of lightning, Darafer suddenly appears on the stage. I have seen Darafer arrive quietly and stealthily, so I know his theatrics are designed to illicit fear. And they do.

The workers in the field run to hide in the forest. The mortal volunteers tremble with terror. Some sneak looks at the soldiers behind them. The soldiers grip the handles of their swords.

Wu Shen comes to stand beside me. He glances at Han’s guards, who are still close by, then asks, “Is this your first time to see the ceremony?”

I nod.

On the stage, Darafer waves his hand, and with another crack of thunder and bright flash, a black cauldron appears beside him.

During the crack of thunder, Wu Shen leans close and whispers, “I will try to help you.”

I look at him, surprised, but he is watching Darafer as if nothing happened. I follow his example and keep my face expressionless even though my heart is pounding.

Master Han climbs onto the stage and bows to Darafer. “Your servant, always.”

The demon gives him a twisted smile. “Together we will rule the world.” He turns to inspect the mortals. “Tonight, you will join us on our noble quest. No longer will you be mere mortals. Your strength, speed, and agility will be greater than you ever imagined. You will live longer and be superior in every way. While I will be a god among men and Master Han will be emperor, you will be kings. Are you willing?”

The mortals say yes. They are willing.

Darafer lifts his arm, and a golden chalice suddenly appears in his hand. He dips it into the cauldron. “By drinking my potion, you will be transformed. You will be so powerful that no mortal will be able to defeat you. In exchange for this gift, we require only two things. The first requirement: you will give your complete obedience to Master Han and myself. Are you willing?”

The mortals murmur yes.

“I should warn you that disobedience will be severely punished,” Darafer says, and he turns his head toward Wu Shen. “Is that not true, Officer?”

Wu Shen stiffens. His face grows pale. “Yes, my lord.”

“How is it that the Vamps and shifters know of our impending attack on the were-tiger village?” Darafer asks.

Wu Shen steps away from me. “They have been attacking our camps in order to lure Master Han out of hiding. If they are preparing for a retaliatory strike, it simply means they believe their strategy will work.”

“Is that so?” Darafer’s eyes take on a greenish glow, and I fear for Wu Shen.

I step toward him, but Wu Shen lifts a hand to stop me. With a sad look in his eyes, he shakes his head slightly.

“Did you think I wouldn’t know?” Darafer shouts. “This is what happens to those who betray me!” He shoots an arc of lightning at Wu Shen, who is instantly engulfed in flames.

I stumble back. I close my eyes to block out the sight, but I can still hear Wu Shen’s cry of agony. I can still smell the stench of burning flesh. My stomach roils, and I fall to my knees. I make wheezing sounds as I gasp for breath.

“That brings me to the second requirement,” Darafer says calmly.

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