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Collin (Forever #4)

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Chapter 2

“Good morning, Collin,” Valerie said as I walked to my dad’s office.

“Good morning, Valerie. How many more days until retirement?”

“Ten more days and then I’ll be on my way to Arizona.” She smiled.

“Good for you.” I winked.

I opened the door. Sitting across from my dad’s desk was a very sexy woman dressed in all black. When she turned around and looked at me, all I could picture was her bent over the desk and me taking her from behind.

“Collin, I’m in an interview.”

“Sorry, Dad, but I need you to review these when you’re finished.”

I sat down in the chair next to her and held out my hand. “Hello, I’m Collin Black, and you are?”

She smiled at me as she lightly shook my hand. “Hello, I’m Briana.”

“It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Briana,” I said as I kissed her hand.

My dad rolled his eyes and got up from his desk. “Okay, Collin, thank you for dropping these off. Now go back to your office and do some work.”

I gave Briana a wink as I left and shut the door. She was hot and I could tell by the way she looked at me that she wanted me. Valerie shook her head at me as I walked by her desk.

“What?” I asked.

“The apple sure doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

I strutted down the hall as I made my way to Julia’s office. When I opened the door, she wasn’t in there. I heard noises coming from her bathroom. As I walked over to the door, I knocked softly.

“Julia, are you okay?”

I heard the toilet flush and she came walking out, wiping her mouth with a tissue. “Morning sickness.” She sighed.

“Oh. That sucks.”

I sat down across from her desk as she opened her drawer and took out a mint. “What are you doing here? Isn’t today your day off?”

“It was supposed to be, but Dad changed it after last night’s events.”

“What happened now?” she asked.

“I brought a girl home and she came out of my room this morning and ran into Dad in the hallway. Did I mention she was naked?”

“Collin! What the hell?”

“I know. Spare me the talk because I already got it from both Mom and Dad, and I’m in no mood. I’m hung over and I’m tired. I don’t understand why I have to be punished for having a good time.”

“Maybe because your good times always end up disastrous.” She smiled. “I would’ve loved to have been a fly on the wall this morning.”

“Meh, whatever. I’m over it. I just want to get this day over with. Anyway, do you have the new plans for the gym?”

“Yeah, I have them right here,” she said as she handed me the drawings.

I rolled them up, walked over to her, and gave her a kiss on the head. “I hope you feel better, sis.”

“Thanks, Collin.” She smiled.

I tucked the designs under my arm as I left her office. I tried to do a 180 when I saw my dad walking towards me.

“Stop right there, son.”

I took in a deep breath as I slowly turned around. “Yes, Dad.”

“You can go home now.”

“Are you serious?”

“Yes. After you drop off these plans at the Chicago office.” He smiled. “The plane is waiting for you.”

“Haha. You’re funny, Dad.” I laughed.

“Sorry, son, but this is no joke.”

“You can overnight them. They’ll get there by tomorrow morning,” I said.

“I could. But I want them there today.” He smirked.

I shook my head as I grabbed the file from him and walked away in a huff.

I was upstairs, packing a light bag when my mom knocked on the door.

“Come in, Mom.”

“So, your dad’s sending you to Chicago.”

“Yep. He sure is.” I sighed. “He knows I’m not feeling well today and he doesn’t care.”

“You know that’s not true, Collin. Do you want me to go with you?” she asked.

“No. I’m a big boy, Mom. I can go to Chicago by myself.”

She put her hand on my cheek. “You’ll always be my little boy, no matter how old you are.” She smiled.

I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tightly. “I know I will. I love you, Mom.”

“I love you too. Text me when you land and don’t argue with me about it.”

I sighed and then I flashed her a smile. “I’ll do better than text you. I’ll call you.”

Just as I was about to leave, my phone rang. I pulled it from my pocket and saw it was my dad calling.

“Hello,” I answered unwillingly.

“Change of plans, Collin. You’ll be flying commercial because something’s wrong with the plane and the mechanic needs to look at it.”

“Are you kidding me?”

“Do I sound like I’m kidding, son?”

I stood there, shaking my head in disbelief over this whole thing. “Your flight leaves in two hours. I suggest you get to the airport quickly. Your ticket is already waiting for you.”

I could hear him loving every minute of this. He was going to make me pay one way or another for bringing that girl home. “Fine, I’m leaving now. By the way, when are you hiring the new driver?”

“I don’t know. I’ll talk to you later,” he said as he hung up.

I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs. “Now I’m flying commercial because something’s wrong with the plane,” I said to my mom as I headed towards the elevator.

“You’ll be fine, sweetheart. Have a good flight,” she said as she kissed my cheek.

I rolled my eyes and took the elevator down to the parking garage. I climbed in my Range Rover and drove to the airport. As I valet parked, I grabbed my bag from the back seat and ran to the ticket counter. My flight was leaving soon and I still had to get to my gate.

“Can I help you?” the girl behind the counter asked with a wide smile.

“I’m Collin Black, and there’s a ticket waiting for me for a flight to Chicago.”

“I’ll need to see some I.D., Mr. Black.”

She was hot and she was licking her plump lips. I stood there and stared at her mouth, imagining it wrapped around my cock. She keyed some information into the computer and handed me my ticket with a folded piece of paper. I opened it up and it was her phone number. I looked at her and smiled.

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