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Coffee To Go

Page 47

Sitting on her balcony, Melanie gazed out towards the woods, but she wasn't really seeing anything. Her mind was busy figuring out what she wanted to say to Rick. She knew Russ was right - she had a lot of unresolved feelings to deal with and this was the best way to get them out in the open. She wasn't ready to talk to Rick face to face.

Taking a few deep breaths, she calmed her mind, and then called up an image of Rick. Her immediate impression was one of resistance from him, so she quickly began sending her thoughts to him.

Rick, I want to apologize for not allowing you to talk to me the last time you came to the apartment. I was hurt, angry and humiliated, and really rude. I wish you had just told me that our relationship wasn't working for you so that we could have parted without bad feelings between us. I hope you are able to find happiness someday. I'm much better now. As she spoke, Melanie had the impression that Rick was relaxing and really listening to her.

By the way, I want to thank you on behalf of Russ, my new friend. He said he's happy you didn't marry me, because if you had, he and I wouldn't be friends. So thank you from both of us. Be happy! Coming out of her meditation, Melanie couldn't believe the great sense of relief that she felt. She only wished she had thought of this herself, and carried it out much sooner. She owed Russ a really big 'thank you'.

Her opportunity to say so came sooner than she expected. There was a knock on her door and there stood Russ with Chinese take-out in hand. "I figured you'd be home from work by now, so I took a chance and brought dinner. Couldn't wait to get a report on your 'talk' with Rick."

"Very timely, Russ. We must be on the same wavelength. I just finished 'grumbling' and I really thank you for suggesting it. I feel much lighter - I guess that's the right word - like I can let go of all of that negative stuff."

"Happy to be of assistance. I've got a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc to celebrate your success. Let's take a glass out on your balcony."

Once they were settled, Russ said, "I want to pick your brain for a minute. You know roughly what my house is going to look like, floor-plan-wise. What type of decor do you think would suit it?"

"That's easy - if it was my house. I'd make it Country Comfortable, if you know what I mean. Lots of solid wood, no chrome or glass, minimal drapes or curtains on the windows; maybe some see-through blinds. Flooring is a tough call. I like both hardwood and carpeting, but ceramic tile is probably a better choice for high volume traffic areas. That's something you will have to decide for yourself. I would have hand-crafted quilts on the beds, high-backed comfortable sofa and recliners - and that's all I can come up with at the moment."

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