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Christmas with the Alexanders

Page 12

Everything was perfect.

*   *   *   *   *

“COME ON, EVERYONE. It’s time to peek in the stockings.” Julia herded all her children and grandchildren closer to the tree. Across the fireplace mantel, six stockings hung in a row, each one lovingly hand-knit by their Grandma Alexander, Mark’s mother.

Ridley took a seat on the couch. Jackson sat next to her as Chris and Jase made a beeline for the Christmas tree. At Mark’s suggestion, they’d started allowing the kids to open one present on Christmas Eve while the adults looked in their stockings. They usually hid candy and treats for the kids amongst the boughs of the Christmas tree as well.

It was a lovely tradition, one that Ridley looked forward to continuing for years to come.

“Hey, Mom, why don’t you go first?” Jackson called out. He squeezed her hand and winked at her. He seemed just as anxious for her mother-in-law to find their surprise as she was.

“I would love to.” Julia unhooked the stocking labeled “MOM” and rooted around in the bottom. The first thing she pulled out was a slim jewelry case. She turned to Mark, who was reclining in his favorite comfy leather chair near the fireplace.

“Mark, you didn’t?” She popped open the case and let out a small sigh. “Would you look at that?” Her eyes were bright as she lifted the delicate bracelet out of the box.

“You always wanted one of those charm bracelets when we first got married,” Mark grumbled. He looked abashed at all the attention.

“But we couldn’t afford it back then,” Julia whispered. Her eyes glistened with unshed tears as she walked over and draped herself across his lap. “It’s never too late. Thank you, honey.” She kissed him tenderly while her two grandsons made gagging noises.

“Ew, they’re kissing again,” Chris whispered. Laughter broke out as his loud whisper broke the silence.

“You’ll understand one day.” Nick pulled Chris into a hug. “I promise.”

“Okay, enough of that,” Jackson called out to his parents who were still snuggling. “What else have you got?”

“What more do I need?” Julia wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and then reached into the stocking again. She pulled out a small piece of blue fabric. Her brow furrowed as she stared at it. “It’s a baby’s hat. How did this get in my stocking?”

She glanced over at Nick and Raina who both looked just as puzzled as she did. Then she swung around to look at Jackson and Ridley.

“Oh! Oh! Does this mean what I think it means?” Julia jumped up and held out her arms to Ridley.

Ridley nodded shyly. Julia let out a whoop that startled both of the babies. Jada let out a disgruntled cry until Nick picked her up and rocked her.

“It’s okay, baby girl. Grandma is just excited. And you’re getting another cousin.” He turned to Jackson and offered a hand. “Congratulations, little brother. I can’t wait to meet the newest addition.”

As Jackson accepted handshakes and backslapping from Matt, Eli, and Bennett, Ridley sat back down on the couch. She already could feel the changes in her body and she was only about four months along. Along with crying at everything from cute pictures of kittens on the Internet to Jase’s drawings, she was also exhausted all the time.

“We’re getting a baby?”

Ridley looked up when Chris sat on the couch next to her. He bit his lip as he glanced at her stomach. “Yes, we’re getting a baby. Do you remember when Auntie Raina carried baby Jada in her tummy?”

He nodded. “Jada kicked my hand when I touched Auntie Raina’s belly.”

“Yeah, she did.” She pulled him close and kissed the top of his tight curls. He sat quietly for a moment and Ridley didn’t push him. Chris liked to talk and ask questions, but she figured he needed time to process. They’d debated telling the kids first, but they’d been worried the boys would announce it as soon as they arrived.

Jase walked over to them. “RiRi, you’ve got a baby on your belly!”

The whole room laughed.

“Well, there’s a baby in my belly. But that’s close enough, sweetie.”

Jase looked offended that everyone was still chuckling at his expense. Ridley pulled him onto her lap. He put his small hands on her cheeks.

“You’re going to be the mommy.” Since his own mother had died not long after he was born, Jase had long been fascinated by the concept of “mommies.” She was sure he’d have many questions over the next few months.

Chris looked up then. “If the baby is going to call you mommy, can we call you mommy, too? Our first mommy is in heaven now, so maybe she won’t mind.” He looked down at his sneakers and then back up at her. The hope in his eyes made her feel like a big fist was wrapped around her heart.

Ridley glanced up to see Jackson watching them with a soft, indulgent smile. Tears sprang to her eyes. “Of course you can. I would love that. I love you both so much.”

Chris grinned then. She realized that he’d been worried she’d say no. She held open her arms and hugged them both. After a few moments, Jase squirmed until she let him down.

“Okay. Bye, Mommy!” he chirped before running off. Chris jumped up to follow him. He turned at the last minute and whispered, “Bye, Mommy,” before rushing off after his little brother.

Tears slid down her cheeks as she raised her hand to wave after him. “Bye, my sweet baby.”

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