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Child of Storm

Page 90

"She thinks well of it, Umbelazi, for she has seen Saduko and taken a

liking to him. She told me herself that she wishes no other husband."

"Is it so?" replied Umbelazi indifferently. "Then if the King commands,

and the King's daughter desires, what more is there to be said?"

"Much, I think," broke in Cetewayo. "I hold that it is out of place that

this little man, who has but conquered a little tribe by borrowing

the wit of Macumazahn here, should be rewarded not only with a

chieftainship, but with the hand of the wisest and most beautiful of the

King's daughters, even though Umbelazi," he added, with a sneer, "should

be willing to throw him his own sister like a bone to a passing dog."

"Who threw the bone, Cetewayo?" asked Umbelazi, awaking out of his

indifference. "Was it the King, or was it I, who never heard of the

matter till this moment? And who are we that we should question the

King's decrees? Is it our business to judge or to obey?"

"Has Saduko perchance made you a present of some of those cattle which

he stole from the Amakoba, Umbelazi?" asked Cetewayo. "As our father

asks no lobola, perhaps you have taken the gift instead."

"The only gift that I have taken from Saduko," said Umbelazi, who, I

could see, was hard pressed to keep his temper, "is that of his service.

He is my friend, which is why you hate him, as you hate all my friends."

"Must I then love every stray cur that licks your hand, Umbelazi? Oh, no

need to tell me he is your friend, for I know it was you who put it

into our father's heart to allow him to kill Bangu and steal his cattle,

which I hold to be an ill deed, for now the Great House is thatched

with his reeds and Bangu's blood is on its doorposts. Moreover, he who

wrought the wrong is to come and dwell therein, and for aught I know

to be called a prince, like you and me. Why should he not, since the

Princess Nandie is to be given to him in marriage? Certainly, Umbelazi,

you would do well to take the cattle which this white trader has

refused, for all men know that you have earned them."

Now Umbelazi sprang up, straightening himself to the full of his great

height, and spoke in a voice that was thick with passion.

"I pray your leave to withdraw, O King," he said, "since if I stay here

longer I shall grow sorry that I have no spear in my hand. Yet before I

go I will tell the truth. Cetewayo hates Saduko, because, knowing him

to be a chief of wit and courage, who will grow great, he sought him for

his man, saying, 'Sit you in my shadow,' after he had promised to sit in

mine. Therefore it is that he heaps these taunts upon me. Let him deny

it if he can."

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