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Child of Storm

Page 87

Now, at these somewhat unusual compliments I bowed, and felt myself

colouring a little as I did so, even through my sunburn, but I made no

answer to them, since to do so would have involved a discussion of the

past and its tragical events, into which I had no wish to enter. Panda,

too, remained silent for a while. Then he called to a messenger to

summon the princes, Cetewayo and Umbelazi, and to bid Saduko, the son of

Matiwane, to wait without, in case he should wish to speak with him.

A few minutes later the two princes arrived. I watched their coming with

interest, for they were the most important men in Zululand, and already

the nation debated fiercely which of them would succeed to the throne. I

will try to describe them a little.

They were both of much the same age--it is always difficult to arrive

at a Zulu's exact years--and both fine young men. Cetewayo, however, had

the stronger countenance. It was said that he resembled that fierce and

able monster, Chaka the Wild Beast, his uncle, and certainly I perceived

in him a likeness to his other uncle, Dingaan, Umpanda's predecessor,

whom I had known but too well when I was a lad. He had the same surly

eyes and haughty bearing; also, when he was angry his mouth shut itself

in the same iron fashion.

Of Umbelazi it is difficult for me to speak without enthusiasm. As

Mameena was the most beautiful woman I ever saw in Zululand--although

it is true that old war-dog, Umslopogaas, a friend of mine who does not

come into this story, used to tell me that Nada the Lily, whom I have

mentioned, was even lovelier--so Umbelazi was by far the most splendid

man. Indeed, the Zulus named him "Umbelazi the Handsome," and no wonder.

To begin with, he stood at least three inches above the tallest of them;

from a quarter of a mile away I have recognised him by his great

height, even through the dust of a desperate battle, and his breadth

was proportionate to his stature. Then he was perfectly made, his great,

shapely limbs ending, like Saduko's, in small hands and feet. His face,

too, was well-cut and open, his colour lighter than Cetewayo's, and his

eyes, which always seemed to smile, were large and dark.

Even before they passed the small gate of the inner fence it was easy

for me to see that this royal pair were not upon the best of terms,

for each of them tried to get through it first, to show his right of

precedence. The result was somewhat ludicrous, for they jammed in the

gateway. Here, however, Umbelazi's greater weight told, for, putting out

his strength, he squeezed his brother into the reeds of the fence, and

won through a foot or so in front of him.

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