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Child of Storm

Page 79

In due course we arrived at the gate of the kraal, where we found the

heralds and the praisers prancing and shouting.

"Have you seen Umbezi?" asked Saduko of them.

"No," they answered; "he was asleep when we got here, but his people say

that he is coming out presently."

"Then tell his people that he had better be quick about it, or I shall

turn him out," replied the proud Saduko.

Just at this moment the kraal gate opened and through it appeared

Umbezi, looking extremely fat and foolish; also, it struck me,

frightened, although this he tried to conceal.

"Who visits me here," he said, "with so much--um--ceremony?" and with

the carved dancing-stick he carried he pointed doubtfully at the lines

of armed men. "Oh, it is you, is it, Saduko?" and he looked him up

and down, adding: "How grand you are to be sure. Have you been robbing

anybody? And you, too, Macumazahn. Well, you do not look grand. You

look like an old cow that has been suckling two calves on the winter

veld. But tell me, what are all these warriors for? I ask because I have

not food for so many, especially as we have just had a feast here."

"Fear nothing, Umbezi," answered Saduko in his grandest manner. "I have

brought food for my own men. As for my business, it is simple. You asked

a hundred head of cattle as the lobola [that is, the marriage gift] of

your daughter, Mameena. They are there. Go send your servants to the

kraal and count them."

"Oh, with pleasure," Umbezi replied nervously, and he gave some orders

to certain men behind him. "I am glad to see that you have become rich

in this sudden fashion, Saduko, though how you have done so I cannot


"Never mind how I have become rich," answered Saduko. "I am rich; that

is enough for the present. Be pleased to send for Mameena, for I would

talk with her."

"Yes, yes, Saduko, I understand that you would talk with Mameena;

but"--and he looked round him desperately--"I fear that she is still

asleep. As you know, Mameena was always a late riser, and, what is more,

she hates to be disturbed. Don't you think that you could come back,

say, to-morrow morning? She will be sure to be up by then; or, better

still, the day after?"

"In which hut is Mameena?" asked Saduko sternly, while I, smelling a

rat, began to chuckle to myself.

"I really do not know, Saduko," replied Umbezi. "Sometimes she sleeps in

one, sometimes in another, and sometimes she goes several hours' journey

away to her aunt's kraal for a change. I should not be in the least

surprised if she had done so last night. I have no control over


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