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Child of Storm

Page 65

"Quite so," I answered. "I see that you have gathered them; but do they

wish to be revenged on Bangu at the risk of their own lives?"

"We do, white Inkoosi," came the deep-throated answer from the three


"And do they acknowledge you, Saduko, to be their chief?"

"We do," again came the answer. Then a spokesman stepped forward, one of

the few grey-haired men among them, for most of these Amangwane were of

the age of Saduko, or even younger.

"O Watcher-by-Night," he said, "I am Tshoza, the brother of Matiwane,

Saduko's father, the only one of his brothers that escaped the slaughter

on the night of the Great Killing. Is it not so?"

"It is so," exclaimed the serried ranks behind him.

"I acknowledge Saduko as my chief, and so do we all," went on Tshoza.

"So do we all," echoed the ranks.

"Since Matiwane died we have lived as we could, O Macumazana; like

baboons among the rocks, without cattle, often without a hut to shelter

us; here one, there one. Still, we have lived, awaiting the hour of

vengeance upon Bangu, that hour which Zikali the Wise, who is of our

blood, has promised to us. Now we believe that it has come, and one and

all, from here, from there, from everywhere, we have gathered at the

summons of Saduko to be led against Bangu and to conquer him or to die.

Is it not so, Amangwane?"

"It is, it is so!" came the deep, unanimous answer, that caused the

stirless leaves to shake in the still air.

"I understand, O Tshoza, brother of Matiwane and uncle of Saduko the

chief," I replied. "But Bangu is a strong man, living, I am told, in a

strong place. Still, let that go; for have you not said that you come

out to conquer or to die, you who have nothing to lose; and if you

conquer, you conquer; and if you die, you die and the tale is told. But

supposing that you conquer. What will Panda, King of the Zulus, say to

you, and to me also, who stir up war in his country?"

Now the Amangwane looked behind them, and Saduko cried out: "Appear, messenger from Panda the King!"

Before his words had ceased to echo I saw a little, withered man

threading his way between the tall, gaunt forms of the Amangwane. He

came and stood before me, saying: "Hail, Macumazahn. Do you remember me?"

"Aye," I answered, "I remember you as Maputa, one of Panda's indunas."

"Quite so, Macumazahn; I am Maputa, one of his indunas, a member of

his Council, a captain of his impis [that is, armies], as I was to his

brothers who are gone, whose names it is not lawful that I should name.

Well, Panda the King has sent me to you, at the request of Saduko there,

with a message."

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