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Child of Storm

Page 16

"'Mayhap,' said Zikali, laughing after his fashion, 'for I open when I

must and shut when I must. Indeed, in my youth, before the Zulus were a

people, they named me Opener of Doors; and now, looking through one of

those doors, I see something about you, O Son of Matiwane.' "'What do you see, my father?' I asked.

"'I see two roads, Saduko: the Road of Medicine, that is the spirit

road, and the Road of Spears, that is the blood road. I see you

travelling on the Road of Medicine, that is my own road, Saduko, and

growing wise and great, till at last, far, far away, you vanish over the

precipice to which it leads, full of years and honour and wealth, feared

yet beloved by all men, white and black. Only that road you must travel

alone, since such wisdom may have no friends, and, above all, no woman

to share its secrets. Then I look at the Road of Spears and see you,

Saduko, travelling on that road, and your feet are red with blood, and

women wind their arms about your neck, and one by one your enemies go

down before you. You love much, and sin much for the sake of the love,

and she for whom you sin comes and goes and comes again. And the road is

short, Saduko, and near the end of it are many spirits; and though you

shut your eyes you see them, and though you fill your ears with clay you

hear them, for they are the ghosts of your slain. But the end of your

journeying I see not. Now choose which road you will, Son of Matiwane,

and choose swiftly, for I speak no more of this matter.' "Then, Macumazahn, I thought a while of the safe and lonely path of

wisdom, also of the blood-red path of spears where I should find love

and war, and my youth rose up in me and--I chose the path of spears and

the love and the sin and the unknown death."

"A foolish choice, Saduko, supposing that there is any truth in this

tale of roads, which there is not."

"Nay, a wise one, Macumazahn, for since then I have seen Mameena and

know why I chose that path."

"Ah!" I said. "Mameena--I forgot her. Well, after all, perhaps there is

some truth in your tale of roads. When I have seen Mameena I will tell

you what I think."

"When you have seen Mameena, Macumazahn, you will say that the choice

was very wise. Well, Zikali, Opener of Doors, laughed loudly when he

heard it. 'The ox seeks the fat pasture, but the young bull the rough

mountainside where the heifers graze,' he said; 'and after all, a

bull is better than an ox. Now begin to travel your own road, Son of

Matiwane, and from time to time return to the Black Kloof and tell me

how it fares with you. I will promise you not to die before I know the

end of it.' "Now, Macumazahn, I have told you things that hitherto have lived in my

own heart only. And, Macumazahn, Bangu is in ill favour with Panda, whom

he defies in his mountain, and I have a promise--never mind how--that he

who kills him will be called to no account and may keep his cattle. Will

you come with me and share those cattle, O Watcher-by-Night?"

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