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Child of Storm

Page 104

I produced these articles, though how he knew that I had them with me

I cannot tell, nor did I think it worth while to inquire. The snuff, I

remember, pleased him very much, but of the knife he said that it was

a pretty toy, but he would not know how to use it. Then we fell to


"What was Mameena doing here?" I asked boldly.

"What was she doing at your wagons?" he asked. "Oh, do not stop to tell

me; I know, I know. That is a very good Snake of yours, Macumazahn,

which always just lets you slip through her fingers, when, if she

chose to close her hand-- Well, well, I do not betray the secrets of

my clients; but I say this to you--go on to the kraal of the son of

Senzangakona, and you will see things happen that will make you laugh,

for Mameena will be there, and the mongrel Masapo, her husband. Truly

she hates him well, and, after all, I would rather be loved than hated

by Mameena, though both are dangerous. Poor Mongrel! Soon the jackals

will be chewing his bones."

"Why do you say that?" I asked.

"Only because Mameena tells me that he is a great wizard, and the

jackals eat many wizards in Zululand. Also he is an enemy of Panda's

House, is he not?"

"You have been giving her some bad counsel, Zikali," I said, blurting

out the thought in my mind.

"Perhaps, perhaps, Macumazahn; only I may call it good counsel. I have

my own road to walk, and if I can find some to clear away the thorns

that would prick my feet, what of it? Also she will get her pay, who

finds life dull up there among the Amasomi, with one she hates for a

hut-fellow. Go you and watch, and afterwards, when you have an hour to

spare, come and tell me what happens--that is, if I do not chance to be

there to see for myself."

"Is Saduko well?" I asked to change the subject, for I did not wish to

become privy to the plots that filled the air.

"I am told that his tree grows great, that it overshadows all the royal

kraal. I think that Mameena wishes to sleep in the shade of it. And now

you are weary, and so am I. Go back to your wagons, Macumazahn, for I

have nothing more to say to you to-night. But be sure to return and tell

me what chances at Panda's kraal. Or, as I have said, perhaps I shall

meet you there. Who knows, who knows?"

Now, it will be observed that there was nothing very remarkable in this

conversation between Zikali and myself. He did not tell me any deep

secrets or make any great prophecy. It may be wondered, indeed, when

there is so much to record, why I set it down at all.

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