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"Maybe Pete didn't like your cooking. Anyway, my point was that women are expected to do all the things I'm doing on this job. They just aren't expected to stray too far from the homestead in the process - or get paid for it."

Fritz smiled wryly. "You're a mighty fine cook, but it isn't safe out here for a woman." He sobered and watched her intently as he spoke. "Don't you know people talk about a woman who spends weeks out here with men - and men start to get ideas."

That last statement strangled the life out of the discussion. Of all things, why did he have to bring that up? She met his accusing gaze coldly.

"Men get ideas when their wives are at home trying to be everything a man expects of them. Anyway, why do men have to act on every idea that crosses their mind?"

He winced at the rancor in her tone.

"Did some man deal you a lousy hand?"

She shrugged and turned away from him. The conversation was getting too personal.

"Let's just say I learned the hard way that I can take care of myself."

Royce snorted, unfolding his tall gangly frame from the ground.

"Sure, 'til someone snatches that whip out of your hand and gives you the spankin' you've been asking for."

She ignored his implication that women should be punished like children. She let her stern gaze rest on each of the men before responding.

"Until men learn the meaning of the word no, I'll protect myself in the way that has proven most effective."

Davis gulped the last of his coffee and turned the cup up side down on a rock so it would drain.

"Cassie, a woman as good looking as you should be used to saying no." His dark eyes twinkled. "Tell me the truth. If we all treated you like one of the guys, wouldn't you be a little disappointed?"

She stared into her cup, not wanting to say anything that would add fuel to the torch she suspected he was carrying for her. At forty he was still an attractive man, but a romantic relationship with him was the last thing on her mind. Valuing his friendship, she had developed a knack for turning the conversation on a less perilous course.

"I appreciate the fact that you guys watch your language around me and make sure you're all busy at the camp fire when I need privacy. It's nice to have that special respect."

Davis rubbed his jaw reflectively. "Sure."

His gaze shifted to Royce. "Let me make one thing clear. If any one of you lays a hand on her, you'll be answering to me. A woman has a right to protect herself - any way she can."

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