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Page 22

Bordeaux silently watched her for a moment. "He's your father, Cassie. Anyway, he didn't know your mother was sick. As for abandoning his children, there's more to it than you think."

"Tell me." Her voice was caustic.

He shook his head. "No, it needs to come from him. Go back and let him explain."

"I'm not going back and you can't make me."

He frowned, his voice becoming harsh. "Don't be a bitter fool. Where are you going to live?"

He wasn't worried about her. He was worried about the ranch.

"Where I've lived for the last two years, thanks to him. Now get out of here and let me get some sleep."

She dropped to the blanket and jerked her boots off, slinging them angrily to the ground.

He watched her for a few minutes while she crawled under the wagon and pulled her blanket around her shoulders. Finally he walked away.

She watched his retreating back and knew there would be little sleep for her tonight. He had used her and she had been fool enough to think he was actually interested in her. Her only satisfaction was that he had failed. Would he still be paid?

She sat up quickly, bumping her head on the wagon. She winced and rubbed her head. Where did her father get the money to pay Bordeaux? Had he already sold the ranch? What about the twins? She had to go back to get them. She couldn't abandon them to him, even if he was their father. They could find a place somewhere. Anywhere was better than living with that no-good woman chasing, land grabbing thing that called himself a father.

She dropped back on the blanket and yanked it over her body. There was nothing she could do tonight. She might as well get some rest. Knowing that was one thing. Sleeping was another. For a long time she lay wide awake with her eyes closed. Eventually exhaustion won, though, and she slept.

In the morning she rolled out of her bed before the sun could stain the sky. Someone had a fire going and a pot of coffee on. She pored herself a cup and started breakfast, wondering where Bordeaux was. He didn't come to eat with the rest of the men.

Davis ate and then nursed a cup of coffee in silence. Fritz kept watching her and Royce even snickered a few times. Finally Royce could contain himself no longer.

"I told you sooner or later somebody would take that whip away from you."

She gave him a level look. "I still have the whip."

"Yeah, but you won't be usin' it on..."

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