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Candy Store

Page 12

But for the time being, the last thing Tobey wanted was for Callie to think that the success of her business was in any way linked to whether or not she put out. For the past fifteen years he had always been the consummate professional with his clients. He didn’t mix business with pleasure, although, truth be told, he had never been tempted to lick cocoa powder off one of his clients before. In any case, given that this was his very last job in the candy business before the world of accounting took him in, he felt an even greater motivation to do his very best.

Not to mention the fact that he had a very strong personal interest in his gorgeous, talented, oh-so-fuckable client.

So he was going to stick to his decision. Even if it killed him. And just looking at the way Callie’s ass rounded up at him as she bent over to unlatch the cooler, Tobey was pretty damn sure that keeping his hands off the delectable little candy maker was, indeed, going to destroy him.

But what a way to go.

After their “meeting” on Monday, Tobey had spent the week holed up in his office day and night, working up a plan of money-making action for her. After looking through her books, he saw that although she was doing fairly well in sales, she was in such a high-rent district that she’d have to either move to another town or double her daily sales.

Their conversation on this matter had been short and sweet.

Tobey: “Have you thought about moving to another location?” Callie: “No.”

Tobey: “The rent is lower and you wouldn’t have to worry about losing your shop.” Callie: “I grew up here and I’m staying here. Isn’t it your job to figure out a way to make that work?”

Tobey grinned. Just looking at Callie, all blonde and small and round and pink, her fiery, sharp mind wasn’t inherently obvious. But it was there. Along with her ravenous sensuality. He couldn’t wait to finish the job so that he could get another taste of her incredible lovemaking.

Plans for saving Callie’s Candies consumed him. He had already had a web site built for her at a reduced rate by his sister-in-law, who was one of the best in the business, by promising her all the truffles she could eat for the next decade. He was planning on trying the same trade with a hot public relations firm. Next week, he was going to look into national distribution through the major gourmet food chain stores.

In any normal consultation situation, Tobey would have met with her again in person to run his ideas by her, but the sad truth was that he knew he wouldn’t be able to control himself around her. Callie had said, “I want to focus on making candy,” and so Tobey was able to justify his unorthodox behavior of making do with phone calls by telling himself that it was how she wanted things to be.

Somewhat wryly, he admitted that he might as well have met with Callie in person, considering that even though they had been apart for nearly a week he had been possessed by visions of her. Naked thighs and breasts spread across satin sheets. In the shower with soap suds dripping from her nipples.

Tobey shook the vision from his head and went to work unrolling the new banner that spelled out He hung it from the roof of the gazebo where he and Callie were setting up shop. The gazebo was situated on the far edge of the large outdoor ice skating rink in Saratoga, less than a mile from the world famous racetracks.

Based on his experience of taking his nieces and nephews skating over the years, Tobey knew that on Saturdays and Sundays in January, the rink was packed with kids of all ages and their parents. The perfect audience to spread the word about Callie’s incredible confections.

Tobey stepped back to make sure that the banner was straight. Callie stepped beside him and he swore she was searing him even through all of their layers of clothes, even though it was freezing outside.

“I’m still not sure about the web site,” Callie said. “Wouldn’t people rather come into the store?”

Feeling incredibly protective towards his luscious client, Tobey wanted to allay her fears. “You’ve got a great store, Callie. It’s warm and inviting and who can resist your little surprises?” he said with a small suggestive smile.

Tobey saw the responsive spark in Callie’s eyes and caught himself just in time before he lost sight of business altogether. Focus, buddy. Focus.

He cleared his throat. “But what about people who don’t live in Saratoga and can’t get to your store on a regular basis?”

Callie looked confused. “How would they even find out about my store in the first place?”

“You see all of these people out here today?” Tobey asked, gesturing to the growing crowd of skaters that were sliding across the ice. “People are willing to drive quite a distance to skate at such a great outdoor rink. Not to mention the fact that locals often have friends or relatives visiting them for the holidays from out of town.”

“And these people will love my truffles and hot cocoa so much that they’ll want to order more from my web site when they get home?”

“Exactly,” Tobey said, pleased that Callie was letting herself be open to the array of possibilities for her business.

Shyly she looked at him. “Thanks,” she said, her lips turning up in an uncertain smile. “I never would have thought to do any of this without you. The web site. Being here today. Getting plans together for a special Valentine’s Day gift box. It would have all seemed so hard without you.”

Tobey tried to mask his delight at her thank you. He strode over to the cooler and opened it up, pulling out boxes of truffles and putting them on their sales table.

Callie had no idea what hard was. Not in the least. His cock was huge and ready to plunge into her cunt. Even during their brief phone calls, he had gotten so overheated he’d had to walk out of his office in just his shirt and slacks until the cold weather had frozen him completely through. Only then could he concentrate on business again.

Thirty minutes later, just before the doors to the rink opened up to the crowd that had gathered in the parking lot outside, Tobey and Callie had finished setting up the temporary Callie’s Candies booth, complete with steaming hot cocoa and truffles in ten different flavors. Callie had packed toffees, taffies and lollipops into small wicker baskets on the table.

They took a few steps back to check over their candy display.

“Looks great,” Callie said, not quite meeting his eyes.

Tobey nodded and smiled at the top of her head. “It certainly does. The table is colorful and inviting. I’m certain that Callie’s Candies is going to make a huge splash with both the locals and the out-of-towners today.” Callie walked back to the table and fussed needlessly with the display. Tobey knew she was feeling nervous around him.

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