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Page 30

“I’m sorry,” is all I can say. I reach out and rub my thumb over her lip, but she backs away and looks around the room as the women start screaming for Stone.

“I can’t handle this, Cale. I thought I could, but I can’t. I need time to think.” Without another word she rushes out the door, leaving me on the verge of going crazy. I want nothing more than to go after her, but I respect her more than anyone in this world, and if she needs time then I can’t take that away from her. I know that and I hate myself for it.

“Fuck!” I slam my fist into the wall repeatedly while yelling out a string of cuss words. “What did you say to her?” I bark at Lynx as his eyes size me up.

He smirks with a confidence that makes me want to fuck him up even more. “Just told her how it truly is here. How dirty all the women get. The truth. That’s what.”

“Fucking, piece of shit.” I start walking to the back to get my shit and Lynx instantly follows me, talking shit the whole way.

“You’re lucky I don’t fire your ass for that shit. I don’t know who the fuck you think you are.”

I ignore him, knowing that if I say anything I’m probably going to break his pretty little face.

Bursting through the door of the locker room, I start pulling out my shit to get dressed.

“Can you fucking hear me, asshole? One more mistake and you’re gone. You’re lucky that you’ve been here for as long as you have and that you bring me money, you sorry son of a bitch, or else you’d be so done.”

I take a few seconds to breathe and calm down after I pull my shirt over my head. This asshole is lucky that I have a lot of willpower.

“I’m fucking bleeding and it’s all because I was talking to that bitch that wants nothing to do with either of us. That’s fucked up . . .”

Turning around, I swing out, knocking his ass on the ground. “I fucking quit.”

Stepping over him, I rush outside and to my truck. I get in, gripping the wheel for dear life. All I can think about is Riley possibly running to Tyler for comfort, and it’s all I need to lose it.

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”

Time . . . how the hell can I give her time when that’s the one thing that could possibly make me lose her? Well double fuck . . .

IT’S BEEN THREE DAYS. THREE damn days and Riley hasn’t responded to any of my messages. I feel like I’m going crazy. Riley has never gone this long without responding to me. I’ve tried giving her time, but I just can’t wait anymore. I need to make a move before I lose her completely. I can’t let that happen and I won’t.

I called her work yesterday and booked every single appointment that she had available today. I’ve been sitting here in the parking lot on Slade’s motorcycle, waiting for them to open. I didn’t want her to know I was showing up and I knew that if she noticed my truck in the parking lot that there was a chance she’d freak out and leave.

She isn’t due in for another thirty minutes, but I already told Kylie that I’m waiting in her damn room until she gets here, and I don’t give a shit what anyone says.

A few cars pull into the lot, so I look down at my phone to check the time. They opened a few minutes ago.

Hopping off of Slade’s bike, I set the helmet on the seat and rush over to the door, walking inside. Kylie looks up from her desk and smiles when she notices that it’s me.

“Hey, stud,” she says sweetly. “Are you sure you don’t want to keep me company until she gets here?”

I walk past her, ignoring her completely. I don’t have time for her shit. I don’t want her shit. All I want is to show Riley how much I love her. She may be pissed to see me at first, but I don’t care. I have to do this.

About five minutes before Riley is due to arrive, I strip out of my jeans and shirt, before getting comfortable on my back. I was in so much of a hurry that I didn’t even bother throwing on any boxer briefs. It’s not like I’d be wearing them for long anyways. I plan on spending most of my day, here, naked.

My heart speeds up when I hear the sound of the door opening. I’ve been fucking dying to be close to Riley, and knowing that she’s about to be in the same room is making it very difficult to not just pull her down onto the table and take care of her.

I can hear her shuffling around and getting ready. I’m watching her, but she hasn’t even bothered to look at the table yet. She’s so damn beautiful that it causes my chest to ache. All I want to do is wrap my hands into that brown hair and pull her lips to mine.

“Good morning,” she mumbles. “My name is Riley and . . .” Her words trail off when she finally looks to see who her client is. “Cale,” she says in almost a whisper. “What are you doing here?”

Sitting up, I grab her arm before she can walk away. I can see the confusion and hurt written all over her face, and I know without a doubt that she wants to run away and not face me right now.

“Come here, baby.” Throwing my legs off the side of the table, I pull her between my legs and wrap them around her so she will listen to me. “Just hear me out, Rile. Please.”

She swallows hard and closes her eyes as I wrap my hands into the back of her hair. “Cale . . . I’m scared. I’m so fucking scared when it comes to you.”

“Shh . . .” I gently kiss her neck, enjoying the sweet scent of her skin. Nothing else will ever feel this way and I know that. Now I just need to show her. “I’ll never hurt you, Riley. Ever. I want you to know that. Haven’t I always been good to you?”

I kiss her neck again, causing her to moan out. “Yes,” she whispers. “But if you ever hurt me, it would kill me. Do you get that, Cale? That’s why I can’t do this. I can’t get too deep and allow that to happen.”

Running my lips up her neck, I stop below her ear and whisper, “I’ll never let that happen, Rile.” I suck her earlobe into my mouth and nibble it. “Do you know why?”

She lets out a small breath and shakes her head. “No . . .”

I press my lips against her ear and tug at her hair, getting as close to her as possible. “Because I’m in love with you,” I whisper. “I always have been, Rile. I fucking love you.”

She lets out a small gasp and presses her hand over her mouth. Pulling away, I look her in the eyes and repeat myself. “I’m in love with you. I will always put you first. I will always make you happy and think of you before anyone else. That is a promise.” I pull her forehead to mine. “Do you understand that?”

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