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Cabin Fever

Page 36

But it was not always mud and rain and snow, as Cash's meager chronicle


May 6.

Up at sunrise. Monte & Pete gone leaving no tracks. Bud found them

3 miles South near Indian village. Bud cut his hair, did a good job.

Prospector dropped into camp with fist full of good looking quartz.

Stock very thirsty all day. Very hot Tied Monte & Pete up for night.

May 8.

Up 5:30. Fine, but hot. Left 7:30. Pete walked over a sidewinder & Bud

shot him ten ft. in air. Also prior killed another beside road. Feed as

usual, desert weeds. Pulled grain growing side of track and fed plugs.

Water from cistern & R.R. ties for fuel. Put up tent for shade. Flies


May 9.

Up 4. Left 6. Feed as usual. Killed a sidewinder in a bush with 3 shots

of Krag. Made 21 m. today. R.R. ties for fuel Cool breeze all day.

May 11.

Up at sunrise. Bud washed clothes. Tested rock. Fine looking mineral

country here. Dressed Monte's withers with liniment greatly reducing

swelling from saddle-gall. He likes to have it dressed & came of his own

accord. Day quite comfortable.

May 15.

Up 4. Left 6:30 over desert plain & up dry wash. Daddy suffered from

heat & ran into cactus while looking for shade. Got it in his mouth,

tongue, feet & all over body. Fixed him up poor creature groaned all

evening & would not eat his supper. Poor feed & wood here. Water found

by digging 2 ft. in sand in sandstone basins in bed of dry wash. Monte

lay down en route. Very hot & all suffered from heat.

May 16.

Bud has sick headache. Very hot so laid around camp all day. Put two

blankets up on tent pols for sun break. Daddy under weather from cactus

experience. Papago Indian boy about 18 on fine bay mare driving 4 ponies

watered at our well. Moon almost full, lots of mocking birds. Pretty


May 17.

Up 7:30 Bud some better. Day promises hot, but slight breeze. White

gauzy clouds in sky. Daddy better. Monte & Pete gone all day. Hunted

twice but impossible to track them in this stony soil Bud followed

trail, found them 2 mi. east of here in flat sound asleep about 3 P.M.

At 6 went to flat 1/4 mi. N. of camp to tie Pete, leading Monte by

bell strap almost stepped on rattler 3 ft. long. 10 rattles & a button.

Killed him. To date, 1 Prairie rattler, 3 Diamond back & 8 sidewinders,

12 in all. Bud feels better.

May 18.

At 4 A. M. Bud woke up by stock passing camp. Spoke to me who half awake

hollered, "sic Daddy!" Daddy sicced 'em & they went up bank of wash to

right. Bud swore it was Monte & Pete. I went to flat & found M. & P.

safe. Water in sink all gone. Bud got stomach trouble. I threw up my

breakfast. Very hot weather. Lanced Monte's back & dressed it with

creoline. Turned them loose & away they put again.

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