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Cabin Fever

Page 101

"Yeah. But you ought to put it in writing, Bud. S'pose anything happened

to us both--and it might. Mining's always got its risky side, even

cutting out sickness, which we've had a big sample of right this winter.

Well, the kid oughta have some security in case anything did happen.


Bud looked thoughtfully down at the fuzzy yellow head that did not come

much above his knee.

"Well, how yuh going to do anything like that without giving it away

that we've got him? Besides, what name'd we give him in the company? No,

sir, Cash, he gets what I've got, and I'll smash any damn man that tries

to get it away from him. But we can't get out any legal papers--"

"Yeah. But we can make our wills, can't we? And I don't know where

you get the idea, Bud, that you've got the whole say about him.

We're pardners, ain't we? Share and share alike. Mines, mules,

grub--kids--equal shares goes."

"That's where you're dead wrong. Mines and mules and grub is all right,

but when it comes to this old Lovin Man, why--who was it found him, for

gosh sake?"

"Aw, git out!" Cash growled. "Don't you reckon I'd have grabbed him off

that squaw as quick as you did? I've humored you along, Bud, and let you

hog him nights, and feed him and wash his clothes, and I ain't kicked

none, have I? But when it comes to prope'ty--"

"You ain't goin' to horn in there, neither. Anyway, we ain't got so darn

much the kid'll miss your share, Cash."

"Yeah. All the more reason why he'll need it I don't see how you're

going to stop me from willing my share where I please. And when you come

down to facts, Bud, why--you want to recollect that I plumb forgot to

report that kid, when I was in town. And I ain't a doubt in the world

but what his folks would be glad enough--"

"Forget that stuff!" Bud's tone was so sharp that Lovin Child turned

clear around to look up curiously into his face. "You know why you never

reported him, doggone yuh! You couldn't give him up no easier than I

could. And I'll tell the world to its face that if anybody gets this

kid now they've pretty near got to fight for him. It ain't right, and it

ain't honest. It's stealing to keep him, and I never stole a brass tack

in my life before. But he's mine as long as I live and can hang on to

him. And that's where I stand. I ain't hidin' behind no kind of alibi.

The old squaw did tell me his folks was dead; but if you'd ask me, I'd

say she was lying when she said it. Chances are she stole him. I'm sorry

for his folks, supposing he's got any. But I ain't sorry enough for 'em

to give him up if I can help it. I hope they've got more, and I hope

they've gentled down by this time and are used to being without him.

Anyway, they can do without him now easier than what I can, because..."

Bud did not finish that sentence, except by picking Lovin Child up in

his arms and squeezing him as hard as he dared. He laid his face down

for a minute on Lovin Child's head, and when he raised it his lashes

were wet.

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