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Broken Promises

Page 48

I frantically searched for the remote. When I found it, I turned off the TV and threw the remote across the room. “Mom. Why would you pick Pet Sematary?”

She shrugged and made a face. “I don’t know. I thought it would be kind of fun to watch a scary movie.”

Courtney threw a pillow at my mom. “You ass. That scared the piss out of me.”

I laughed and reached into the bowl of popcorn. My hand stopped at my mouth when I thought I heard a baby crying.

I looked around. “Do you hear that?”

“The sounds of my heart beating rapidly? Yes. I hear that.” Courtney said as she pushed the covers away and stood up. She headed toward the bathroom and stopped. She cocked her head and looked back at us. “Is that a…baby crying?”

My mom got out of bed. “Nonsense. You’re both hearing things.” She walked up to Courtney and stopped. She leaned forward like she was trying to concentrate.

I heard it again. Both of them turned me. “Do you have baby monitor already, Liza?” Courtney asked.

I slowly shook my head and whispered, “No.”

I was about to speak when there was a knock at the door. More like a bang. The baby got louder. We all screamed as my mom and Courtney ran and jumped into the bed.

“What the fuck?” Courtney said as she grabbed onto me.

My heart pounded and I tried to take deep breaths. The crying got louder as the doorbell rang. Turning to my mom, I whispered, “What if someone needs help?”

My mother eyed the bedroom door. “Do y’all keep a loaded gun in the house?”

I reached around my mother and pulled out the side drawer. My mother took the handgun and stood up. “Just in case. Let’s all go down.”

Courtney let out a nervous laugh and said, “Um, hell no.”

The sounds of a baby crying again made me jump.

“Someone might need help.” My mother said.

Courtney shook her head. “It’s called 911.”

The doorbell rang again and there was more pounding at the door. We all screamed.

Signing my mother said, “Oh, this is insane. We’re just scared because of the stupid movie.”

My mother headed to the hallway, and Courtney and I followed. Walking down the stairs, my mother called, “Coming! One moment while I take the safety off of my gun!”

Courtney whispered, “Nice. If they are in trouble do you think they’ll stay now?”

We reached the front door and I grabbed onto my mother’s arm as she looked out the peephole. “I don’t see anyone.”

Courtney looked out the window. “There’s no one out there.

The sound of a baby crying again made us all jump. My mother took the safety off of the handgun and nudged me back. She began to turn the doorknob.

“Mom, maybe we should…”

Courtney grabbed me and pushed me behind her as my mother opened the door. Standing off to the side, I couldn’t see anything. I tried to peer around the door, but Courtney was blocking me. My mother opened the door more and said, “Oh. My. God. Call 911 now, Courtney, and get Liza upstairs.”

Courtney peered around the door. “Dear God,” she whispered.

I grabbed her arm. “Is it a baby? Is she okay? Mom?” My heart sank. I couldn’t imagine why someone would leave a baby on our front porch.

Courtney took me by the shoulders. “Liza, there is no baby. Honey, look at me. I need you to get upstairs and lock your bedroom door until the police get here.”

I shook my head. “No, Court. Tell me what’s going on. Please!”

My mom had walked outside, holding the gun up. I screamed out for her. “Mom!” I looked back at Courtney and used all my might to push her off of me as I made my way out the door. The moment I stepped past the threshold, I sucked in a breath. Every hair on my body stood up as I looked down.

“Wh—why…who…” I couldn’t breathe as I read the words painted in blood red across my porch.


The sound of a baby crying started again and I jumped, screaming. My mother covered a finger with the hem of her shirt as she pushed stop on an old recording device. My eyes darted around.

Keith. Oh my God. He knows where I live.

My mother stepped over the painted words and took me by the arm, leading me back inside. I frantically looked all over and cried, “He’s out there! Mom, he’s still out there!”

“Shh, baby, it’s all right. Let’s sit down. You need to calm down.”

I could hear Courtney on the phone with the police. I started looking for my phone.

“Walker. I need Walker. I have to talk to Walker,” I said as I cried.

My mother grabbed my hands. “Liza, I need you to calm down. Take a deep breath.”

Courtney shut the front door and went into the living room as she talked to the police.

I tried to focus on my mom. I tried to calm down. But all I could picture was Keith, outside my home. On my porch.

Walker. I need Walker.

I SAT ON the sofa with my legs pulled up, my chin resting on my knees. I sighed as the police officer asked question after question. I grabbed my phone and called Walker again. I’d been trying to call him for an hour. I wiped away the tear that crawled down my face.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked to see Courtney sitting next to me. She handed me a mug filled with hot tea. I sipped it as I listened the officer finishing up with my mother. They both stood and my mother shook his hand.

He turned and looked down at me. “We’ll get this guy, Ms. Morris.”

I smiled weakly as I nodded my head.

My mother walked the police officer to the door and spoke a bit more. Closing my eyes, I fought back the tears. When I heard my brother Jase’s voice, I jumped up and ran to him. He took me in his arms and held me as I finally let the flood of tears go.

“It’s okay, pumpkin. I’m here. Shh, I’m here.”

“Jase, he was here. He was here at my house,” I sobbed into his chest.

Jase held me tighter and I instantly felt better.

“Mom, I’m taking y’all to our house tonight. I called a few buddies who are going to come out, too.” He lifted my chin. “Go pack a bag, pumpkin. We’re going home.”

I nodded and started to make my way upstairs. But I stopped and turned around. My mother was already walking behind me. I tried to smile, but failed. She linked her arm with mine as we continued up the stairs. We quickly packed a bag and I jumped when my cell phone rang. I pulled it out of my pocket and cried when I saw Walker’s name.

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