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Broken Pieces

Page 32

“I can’t. Ma—MJ is meeting me outside at seven. I don’t want him to wonder where I am.”

Charlie shrugged. “No problem. I have to count down the register and take care of a few things in here before I go. I’ll let you out.”

After unlocking the door, Charlie told him goodbye. Josiah pulled his hoodie up over his head, put on his gloves, and leaned against the building to wait for Teo. Light flakes of snow fell, the streets not as busy as usual as he huddled, trying to keep warm.

What felt like every other minute, Josiah looked at his watch, waiting for Mateo. At fifteen after seven, his heart sped up a little. If Mateo said he’d be there at seven, he always was. Josiah pulled the prepaid cell out of his pocket and called. Teo didn’t answer. Palming the queen Teo gave him a year ago, he rubbed his thumb over the crown, wondering why he didn’t answer. Teo always kept his phone with him.

By seven thirty, his heart raced, his foot tapping on the ground as though that would do anything. When his prepaid cell phone vibrated in his pocket, a relieved breath escaped his lungs.

“Hey,” Teo said as soon as he picked up. “I’ll be there in ‘bout ten or fifteen. Some shit went down. Sorry I’m late.”

And there went his heart, going all crazy again. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah...yeah, I’m good. Is Charlie still there? It’s cold. See if you can go back inside. I’ll be right there. And...sorry.  ‘Bout earlier, I mean.”

Josiah shook his head. “No, don’t be. It’s just hard. I know it’s not your fault. I want to help you, Teo. I want to get out of here.”

When Mateo spoke again, his voice was low. “We will. I promise you. You won’t be stuck in this city forever. Shit, I gotta go. See you in a few minutes.” Then the line went dead.

Josiah rubbed his gloved hands together, trying to fight off the cold. He should go back inside like Mateo said, but he didn’t get a chance because Charlie came out. “Oh. I didn’t know you were still here. Wanna go get that game real quick?”

Josiah looked down the street. Teo was nowhere in sight. He said it would still be a few minutes until he showed up... “Yeah. Let’s make it quick, though. My boyfriend will be here any minute.”

“He won’t let you walk home without him, or what? He seems a little possessive.” They turned down the side alley on the far side of the store.

“He’s not. Mat—MJ would do anything for me. Don’t talk about him.” The urge to turn and walk away pulled at him, but then he didn’t want Charlie to think himself right. That Josiah had to run back up there to wait for Teo.

“Sorry. Didn’t mean anything by it.”

They made another turn after that, the alley behind the building completely deserted. There were two lights, one of them out, making it darker than it should be. A sound came from his right. Josiah flinched. A paper cup rolled by, making the tension in his body ease. Chill out. If I ever want to be able to help Mateo, I need to learn to chill out.

Charlie walked to the only car in the alley. Something made Josiah’s feet stop moving, keeping close to the corner of the two alleys.

Josiah froze when a hand wrapped around his mouth from behind him. It only lasted a second before he tried to jerk away. To scream. To kick. Whatever he could to get free.

His bag dropped out of his hand. His eyes landed on Charlie, hoping for help. Frozen, he stared wide-eyed at them.

“You think anyone’s gonna come if they hear you scream ‘round here? Think again, white boy.”

The guy shoved Josiah against the wall, and pain shot through him. Tears blurred his eyes. He didn’t let it stop him from trying to get out of the guy’s grasp.

That’s when another dark figure stepped out from around the corner. “Get the fuck out of here,” he yelled to Charlie.

“I’m sorry. I’m... sorry.” Charlie’s voice cracked, but then he jumped in the car and pulled away.

“Wait! Don’t go!” Josiah’s scream came out as a muffle from behind the hand that held him. “Help!” The guy holding him laughed.

“I love it when they fight. Keep going. All it does it get my dick hard.” Josiah cried harder, fought more, his whole body shaking like crazy when an erection rubbed against his butt.

“No!” He managed to jerk one of his arms free and tried to elbow his captor, but the second guy grabbed him.

“That’s it. Fight for us.” His breath was hot on Josiah’s cheek, the scent of cigarettes making him almost puke.

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