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Broken Dreams

Page 80

“Six weeks!” I practically shouted.

Reed looked over at me and said, “Six weeks for what?”

“Nothing,” I quickly said. Shit. I had to keep that bit of information away from Reed because if he heard that, he would be a stickler for the rules and not touch me for six weeks.

I quickly looked back at the nurse and mouthed, Six weeks?

She laughed again and said as she looked at Reed, “It’s funny. Just seeing them hold our children, getting lost in that love they share, is a bit of a turn-on, isn’t it?”

I looked at Reed and smiled. “I’ll say. I’m going to have to be creative for the next six weeks.”

When I looked back up at the nurse, we both began laughing. Reed was now sitting down, holding Walker, and still going on a mile a minute. I felt my eyelids fighting to stay open.

As I was drifting in and out of sleep, I heard Reed say, “I love you, my sweet baby boy.”

I opened my eyes and saw Reed staring at me. He got up and placed Walker in his little bed, and then he walked up to me. He leaned down and gently kissed my lips.

“I could never love you more than I do in this very moment. You look so beautiful that you take my breath away. I promise you that I’m going to spend the rest of my life making you and Walker so happy. Thank you.”

I tilted my head and smiled. “For what?”

Reed ran the back of his hand down the side of my face, and my whole body trembled.

“For making all my dreams come true. I dreamed of one day being able to say that I found the perfect love. That night when you first smiled at me, you were the dream I had waited so long for, and I thank God every day for you.”

I tried to talk as I held back my tears. “Oh, Reed…”

He kissed me again, and I slid my hand around to the back of his neck. I held him in our kiss just a bit longer. When he finally pulled away, I looked into his eyes.

“Thank you, Reed. Thank you for your love, for always putting me first, and for taking such good care of me. Thank you for your never-ending knowledge of plants.”

Reed let out a chuckle as I winked.

“But most of all, thank you for giving us the best love story there is. Ours is a beautiful, passionate, caring, and never-ending love.”

I slid over and patted the bed. Reed crawled in and pulled me into his arms. I didn’t think I could ever love him more than I did right now.

“I never thought I could love you more than I do right now, Courtney.”

I sucked in a breath of air as I closed my eyes, and I just let the tears fall. “I feel the same, Reed. I love you.”

He kissed the back of my head and whispered, “I love you, too, angel.”

The sounds of Reed’s steady breathing relaxed me even more as I drifted off to sleep. I fell into a deep sleep and dreamed of Reed chasing a little boy and a little girl around the backyard.

Finally, I had my happily ever after.

I jumped out of the truck and quickly opened the back door, so I could help Courtney with the baby. I was a nervous wreck while driving home from the hospital, and Courtney had told me twice to please drive faster than forty miles per hour.

I smiled when I looked at our baby sleeping in the car seat. My phone beeped with a text message. I pulled it out and saw it was from Layton.

Layton: Are y’all home yet? How slow did you drive? I think I went forty all the way home, and Whit bitched the whole time.

Reed: Ha! Same here, dude. Fucking scared as hell to drive with Walker in the car. Does it get better?

Layton: No.

Reed: Thanks for that. Are y’all coming over soon?

Layton: Yep! Whit is feeding Taylor now, and we will be over soon. Wanted to let y’all get settled in. If Court’s emotions are anything like Whit’s, she will be crying and need some time.

Reed: Talk about emotions. Did you know we have to wait six weeks to have sex? SIX WEEKS! Dude…I’m gonna die.

Layton: Oh, trust me…you will find new ways to have fun.

I smiled as I read Layton’s last text. I looked up to see Courtney staring at me with one of those looks.

“Really? You’re standing there, texting, while I’m waiting to get our son out of this truck and into the house?”

I let out a chuckle, and then I reached up and kissed her. “I have a surprise for you.”

She grinned from ear to ear. “Oh yeah? I have one for you, too.”

I wiggled my eyebrows up and down. “Is your surprise going to give you multiple orgasms?”

Her smile dropped, and the look in her eyes turned to lust. She slowly shook her head and said, “No. Hurry. He might sleep for another thirty minutes at least!”

She pushed me out of her way as she slowly got out of the truck. I knew she was sore as hell after delivering my eight-pounds-two-ounces baby boy. I helped her down and then grabbed the small suitcase.

“I’ll take that. You get Walker, and don’t trip with him.”

I turned around and looked at her with a frown. “Great. I wasn’t even thinking of tripping with him, Court. Now, I’m going to worry about tripping!”

Courtney smiled as she took a few steps back and then yelled, “Wait! Where is Gracie?”

I panicked for a second before I remembered Layton had said he brought her home. “Layton has her.”

“Oh, thank God. I don’t think I could deal with her right now. But when is he bringing her back?”

I shrugged and asked, “When do you want her back?”

She looked at me like I was crazy. “Tonight! I haven’t seen my baby girl in a couple of days. I’m outnumbered with men. I need my girl. Plus, I want her and Walker to bond.”

My mouth dropped open. “That dog is getting nowhere near my son.”

She rolled her eyes and said, “I beg to differ, my dear. She gets to sniff Walker and learn his scent. He’s a new pup to the pack.”

“You just referred to our son as a dog. Do you realize that?”

Courtney laughed and said, “Come on, I want my multiple orgasms.”

I felt my dick jump as I watched my beautiful wife walk away. I turned back to look at Walker sleeping in his car seat. The damn thing swallowed him up, and he looked so delicate.

“Please, dear God, don’t ever let me drop him.”

I reached over, unclipped the car seat, and gently took it out of the truck. I’d never walked so slow in my life as I made my way up the porch and through the front door. The bassinet was in our room, so I headed straight there, making sure I didn’t trip over any dog toys.

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