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Brighter Than the Sun

Page 91

“Just stay in touch, honey,” he said quietly. “And don’t be a stranger. If you ever need anything, I’m just a phone call away. I’ll come, no questions asked.”

“That means more to me than you’ll ever know,” she said. She squared her shoulders. “Okay, let’s do this.”

Joe sauntered back toward the group and announced that it was time to head to the reception. He motioned toward the front as he began moving everyone in that direction. Donovan frowned and glanced back at Rusty, but Joe nudged him.

“Zoe asked for a moment alone with her. I told her we’d wait out front.”

Seemingly appeased, Donovan looked back one more time and then followed the rest out of the church.

Zoe waited until the doors closed and then she turned back to Rusty, swallowing several times in an effort to clear her throat.

“It means the world that you came and stood for me.”

Rusty smiled. “I’ll always stand for you, sister. And hey, don’t worry about me, okay? I’m fine. Really. And I’m making it on my own. It’s been . . . liberating in a way.”

“Just be careful and remember I love you.”

Rusty leaned in to hug her. “Love you too. Now go on. Your husband is waiting for you and you have a kick-ass honeymoon to go on.”

“Call me soon?”

“I will. After you get back from your honeymoon.”

Rusty glanced nervously toward the front and Zoe turned her toward the back. “Hurry before Sean loses his patience and barges in anyway.”

Rusty’s eyes saddened a brief moment and then she shook it off and gave Zoe a jaunty wave before disappearing through the door leading into the social hall, which in turn would give her an exit to the back of the church.

Zoe waited a few moments to give Rusty enough time to make her escape and then she turned, gathering the folds of material in each hand, and walked up the aisle, her lips curving into a dreamy smile.

She was married. She’d found her Prince Charming, only he wore camo and combat boots and it was sexy as hell. Regret no longer found a pathway into her heart. Not for anything. Even Sebastian. Because if not for that debacle, she would have never gone to Rusty for help and would never have met and fallen in love with Joe.

No, she wouldn’t change a single thing even if she could go back and do it all over again. Because if she did then she wouldn’t be where and what she was today. And what she was . . . was happy.

As she reached the door, it opened to reveal Joe standing there and she stopped, struck by the gorgeous image of him in the black tux looking at her with so much love that it still bewildered her every time she caught him doing it.

Without saying a word, she launched herself the remaining distance and he caught her, hefting her up his chest. She wrapped her legs around him as best she could with so much material between them and planted her lips hungrily on his.

He groaned as his hand cupped her behind and lovingly caressed it. “Do we have to go to the reception?”

She laughed. “Well . . . we do have a honeymoon to see about. Don’t you have a plane?”

His eyes gleamed and a slow smile spread over his face. “As a matter of fact . . . I do.” He turned, hoisting her higher in his arms as he carried her through the church doors and into the midday sun. “Want to check it out, Mrs. Kelly?”

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