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Brighter Than the Sun

Page 76

Steele gathered his wife in his arms and kissed her long and sweet. His hand automatically went to her still-flat belly as it always did when he held her. As terrified as he was at the prospect of her going through another pregnancy, he couldn’t imagine life getting any better. His wife and daughter were his entire world, and now they’d be adding another tiny life. It scared and awed him in equal measure.

“I love you,” he said, because he took every opportunity to tell her so.

She smiled. “Back at ya, Ice Man. Now go get Rusty so we can try to break through to Zoe. I’m worried about her.”

He stole one more kiss and then left the exam room to where all the KGI members were assembled except for Allie and the rest of Rio’s team, who were with her at the hospital in Murray, Kentucky, where she was undergoing surgery to remove the bullet that had ricocheted off one of her lower ribs—breaking it—and embedded in her appendix, requiring it to be removed.

Joe surged to his feet, but Steele shook his head as a signal to stand down and then walked over to where Rusty was huddled in the corner, knees drawn to her chest, gaze downcast, refusing to look at the rest of her family.

Steele hunkered down and nudged her chin up in a gentle motion so she was forced to meet his eyes.

“Maren wants you to go back with Zoe. She’s not doing well, Rusty. She needs you.”

“I’m the one who got her into this situation,” she said bitterly. “I hardly think it’s me she needs.”

“That’s where you’re wrong,” Steele said softly. “You’re a good friend, Rusty. You did the right thing. I don’t care what anyone says. You saved her life.”

She looked stunned as she stared back at him, her eyes watering at his support. He simply rose and extended his hand down to help her up. She tentatively took it and allowed him to pull her to her feet. Ignoring Joe’s desperate demands to know what was going on, Steele guided her into the exam room, where Maren was carefully cleaning the blood from Zoe’s face.

As soon as Rusty saw Zoe, she burst into tears and ran to the bed, carefully wrapping her arms around Zoe in a gentle hug. Maren discreetly stepped back and motioned Steele to follow her out of the room.

Zoe stirred, some of the dullness receding from her eyes, and then tears began leaking down her cheeks as she pulled Rusty to her, hugging fiercely.

“Thank you for coming,” Zoe whispered, clinging desperately to her friend.

“Why would you thank me?” Rusty asked bitterly. “I almost got you killed. As it is, I got you kidnapped and abused.”

Zoe reared back in shock, her mouth falling open, and then winced at the pain in her swollen mouth and jaw.

“What are you talking about?” she asked hoarsely. “You saved me, Rusty. I’d be dead if it weren’t for you.”

“Not according to my family,” Rusty said as a fresh torrent of tears flooded her eyes.

“What? They’re blaming you? That’s bullshit,” she said vehemently. “What are they thinking? You’re the only friend I have in the world. You risked so much for me. I could have gotten you and your entire family hurt or murdered. I should have never asked you to do what you did and agreed to all you did for me.”

“If I hadn’t lied to my family, you would have been better protected,” Rusty said in a dull voice. “You wouldn’t have been left alone even for a minute. They’re furious with me. And Sean . . .”

Rusty broke off, her face crumpling. Zoe leaned up and wrapped her arms around her once more.

“What happened?” Zoe asked quietly.

“The better question is, what didn’t happen?” Pain and betrayal were bright in Rusty’s eyes. “I made an absolute fool of myself the morning I waited for Sean to get home. And if that wasn’t bad enough, he got the call that you’d been kidnapped right in the middle of my humiliation and then dragged me to the war room and had to tell everyone everything I’d done. After my family raked me over the coals, Sean spared no opportunity to tell me I was a selfish child who needed to grow the fuck up and that everything wasn’t about me and I needed to learn to be more responsible.”

“And to think I liked him,” Zoe said angrily. “I’m going to kill him for that. How could they, Rusty? How could they say those things to you? You risked your life for me. You helped me when I had no one else to turn to, and you never asked for anything in return. And they’re angry with you for that?”

“Sean’s pissed. The rest are disappointed, I think. I’m not sure which is worse. The idea that I would ever purposely do anything to place the parents who adopted me, the only people who ever loved and accepted me, in danger makes me sick. I’d do anything for them. Anything,” Rusty said, choking back a sob.

“It’s my fault. Not yours, Rusty. I won’t have you blame yourself. You’re the most selfless, caring person I’ve ever known.”

Rusty smiled tearfully at her. “I had to see you. I had to tell you how sorry I was while I still had the chance. It’s the only reason I’ve sat with the entire family for the last several hours while Maren examined you.”

Zoe frowned. “I don’t like the sound of this, Rusty. It’s too close to a good-bye, and I won’t let you leave.”

Rusty gave her a sad smile. “I can’t stay. At least not right now. I have to get away. Get myself together. Get over Sean and move on. Figure out what I’m going to do with my life.” ns class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-7451196230453695" data-ad-slot="9930101810" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true">

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