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Brighter Than the Sun

Page 74

“We’re ready when you are,” Sam said softly into the mouthpiece to Allie and Baker. “Time to show us what you’re made of, girl.”

In response, a series of explosions rocked the earth, shaking it like an earthquake. Outcries and yells erupted as men started scrambling from the building.

“They always gotta make it so easy,” P.J. grumbled as she began picking them off one by one.

“Hey, save some for us and don’t be a hog, Mrs. Coletrane,” Cole complained.

Joe ignored the typical banter he usually enjoyed on their missions. Never before had one been this personal to him. He didn’t know how his brothers had survived the times when it had been the women they loved that they were going in to save. His heart couldn’t take it.

Rio and Terrence flanked him, with Ryker falling in behind, taking out any threat as soon as it appeared, and Joe flipped on a floodlight to illuminate the hallways that looked like something out of a sixteenth-century dungeon. Jesus but it was dank and musty and smelled of death and human decay down here. Imagining Zoe—his Zoe—imprisoned in this nearly sent him right over the edge.

How’s she doing, Shea?

His anxious call to his sister-in-law was more to keep him from losing his mind than anything else.

She’s gone quiet, Joe. She’s scared out of her mind and is more worried about all of you than she is herself. She’s resigned herself to not surviving this and it breaks my heart.

You tell her we’re coming for her and you tell her not to give up, Joe demanded, the knot in his throat and the ache in his chest nearly paralyzing him. You tell her I’m getting her the hell out of here and to do whatever she has to do to survive until I get to her.

Joe! They’re moving her! Shea’s anxious intrusion into his mind caused him to freeze. She’s so terrified that her thoughts are in complete chaos. I’ve lost my connection to her. I don’t know if she shut me out or if she’s just so panicked that she’s incapable of reason.

Rio, Ryker and Terrence automatically held up when Joe halted abruptly, gazes warily scanning the area for any possible threat.

“What’s up?” Rio asked in a low voice.

“Shea says they’re moving her but can’t get a good read on Zoe because she’s fucking scared out of her mind. For us, goddamn it. She’s more worried about us and has resigned herself to dying but doesn’t want any of us to be killed.”

“Fuck,” Terrence rumbled. He wasn’t a man of many words, but he always managed to cut to the heart of the matter.

“That’s fucked-up,” Rio growled. “Jesus, she doesn’t deserve the shit life she’s had when she represents everything good in this world.”

“You don’t have to tell me that,” Joe bit out.

Gunshots erupted in the distance, and yelling and the sounds of physical fighting could be heard.

“Zoe’s on the move,” Joe barked into his mouthpiece. “Use extreme caution when targeting. Make sure she’s not caught in the cross fire.”

“Spread out,” Sam barked. “I want a complete perimeter check. No one gets on or off this property until Zoe is found.”

Radio communications went silent. Then suddenly P.J. came over the radio. “I’ve got a bead on two men. One is carrying Zoe, I’m sure of it.”

“Where?” Joe demanded.

But their communication was interrupted by gunfire, and then a round of curses filled Joe’s ear and terror seized him. He began running, forgetting his training, caution, everything but getting to the woman he loved.

“Get down, Joe!” Ryker barked, flattening him with a tackle.

“What the fuck?” Joe roared.

Bullets peppered the wall just where Joe’s head had been moments earlier.

“Don’t be stupid,” Terrence growled. “You dying does nothing for Zoe.”

“Man down,” P.J. said urgently. “East wing. Double time. Get a chopper in the air, STAT.”

Chaos ensued. Rio went pale as he received a transmission, and then he and Terrence sprinted away, leaving Joe and Ryker to follow behind.

Allie was sprawled on the concrete helipad, blood pooling beneath her. Diego was tending her as Donovan ran up with a field kit to start an IV and attempt to stop the bleeding.

P.J. rushed up, a grim expression on her face. “She took a bullet meant for Zoe,” she said quietly. “The assholes panicked when they figured out they weren’t getting out alive, so they were going to shoot Zoe, leave her on the helipad and take off in the chopper. Allie came out of nowhere, drawing their fire and telling Zoe to run like hell.”

Terrence knelt beside Allie, and Diego and Donovan worked on her. “You hang in there, Allie girl. We aren’t letting you off that easy. You have to get shot at least twice before you get special treatment around here.”

Allie tried to laugh but ended up coughing, the movement causing her pain. “Did I ever tell you guys how wrong I was about you?”

“No, but you’ll get around to it, I’m sure,” Rio teased.

“How bad is it?” she asked, pain creasing her forehead.

Diego grinned. “Nothing that will keep you out of any beauty pageants.”

“Allie, which direction did Zoe go?” Joe asked gently. “I have to find her.”

“She ran for the woods. I told her to get out, that someone would find her but to get as far away from the gunfire as possible.” ns class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-7451196230453695" data-ad-slot="9930101810" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true">

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