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Breaking Her Rules

Page 11

Her dark eyes were heavy lidded as she watched him, hunger clear in her expression. Reaching up, he cupped one of her breasts and rubbed his thumb over her brown nipple. It was already hard, but it beaded tighter as he flicked it. And each time he tweaked it, her pussy clamped tighter around him.

“Take me in your mouth,” Iris whispered, need clear in her voice.

Normally he liked to dominate, but he loved it when she got a little demanding. Wyatt didn’t have to be told twice. Covering the short distance to her other breast, he sucked her nipple between his teeth, tugging gently.

As he did, she began to ride him in a steady rhythm. Swiping his tongue around her areola, he savored the way she shuddered and moaned above him. Though he wanted to draw this out longer, he desperately wanted to feel her coming around him. With his free hand, he found her clit and began rubbing it. She nearly vaulted off his lap at the contact. Yeah, he knew exactly how to push her over the edge.

She let out a strangled shout and threw her head back as her orgasm punched through her. As she let go, he finally allowed himself to. He’d been holding back ever since she’d began stroking him with her hand. His climax was harsh and unsteady as he pounded into her. Even when his orgasm had ebbed, his hips still blindly jerked against hers until he got control of his body.

Iris wrapped her arms tighter around him, burying her head against his neck and shoulder as she pressed her breasts against his chest. “You’re so perfect,” she murmured, the words sounding almost like an accusation.

He returned her embrace, holding her tight. Finding any coherent thought right now was impossible. The only thing he knew was that there was no way he was letting this woman walk out of his life…

Wyatt’s eyes snapped open as Iris’s phone alarm went off. His arms were wrapped tightly around her, but they weren’t in Vegas anymore. They were in Miami and he was still fighting to hold onto her. At least metaphorically.

As she groaned and slid out of bed, he grudgingly let her go. Hell, he needed to get up in the next fifteen minutes anyway. “I want you on my personal detail today, not patrolling the grounds.” His voice was raspy with sleep. He shifted against the sheet and cursed the feel of it dragging over his erection. With the dream he’d just had and the feel of holding her all night he wasn’t surprised to wake up in this state.

She turned and thanks to the morning sun streaming in from the open bathroom door he got a clear view of her expression. Her eyes narrowed slightly. “Good morning to you too, Mr. Bossy. I will be on your detail, but not because you’re ordering me to do so.”

“You like it when I order you around,” he murmured as he shoved the covers off and stretched out. He wanted to ask her to join him in a shower before she had to go to work, but knew neither of them would make it out in time. She had to meet with her team and he had an early morning conference call.

Her gaze briefly strayed down his body, desire evident in her eyes, but she shook herself as if she needed to clear her head. “Only in the bedroom…don’t you forget it.” At that, she turned and practically sprinted from the room.

Wyatt scrubbed a hand over his face and sat up. After a night of simply holding her—and dreaming about how good things could be between them—now he was faced with a day of meetings with Iris by his side in professional mode. Just fucking great.

* * * * *

Iris glanced at Vincent who was sitting in the driver’s seat of their SUV. Wyatt was in the back seat sitting between Kell and Jay. Sitting behind them in the long palm-tree-lined driveway was another SUV with four Red Stone personnel. Unfortunately, Wyatt was only permitted to bring two people of his choosing into the actual meeting. Since Keibler—her number one suspect—was going to be in attendance, Iris was edgy.

Henry Forest, the eccentric millionaire who was hosting this get-together, was paranoid about his privacy and didn’t want too many people in his home. Of course he didn’t need to have the meeting here, but a year ago he’d been attacked in public at a well-known Miami restaurant and hadn’t left his home since. So if anyone wanted to do business with Forest, they had to come to him.

“I don’t like this,” Vincent murmured to her, though the others in the vehicle could clearly hear.

“Me neither, but…” Iris trailed off and watched as an unfamiliar SUV pulled up beside them. They didn’t exactly have a choice. Wyatt needed to attend this meeting. He’d explained to her that Forest was selling a company that Wyatt was determined to purchase. Not because of the company, but because he wanted one of the employees and couldn’t get him any other way. Some young genius.

From a tactical point of view, the secured meeting spot made their job less complicated because any attackers would be easier to filter out, but Iris didn’t like bringing Wyatt anywhere public at this point. And she didn’t like leaving her team outside. Well, technically she could leave two of her men in the foyer at the front of the house, but for the actual meeting itself, just she and Jay would be inside.

They were ten minutes early and she wanted to wait until her main suspect arrived before she let Wyatt out of the vehicle. She kept an eye on the extended cab SUV next to them. The driver’s door opened and a man with a simple black suit and tie exited. He opened the back door and two men and a woman slid out. She recognized the two men from one of the files she’d recently obtained on Wyatt’s competitors. Zac Thorton of Thorton Enterprises, and his new business partner, Mark Keibler. Thorton was tall with blond hair and a blinding white smile she got to witness when he said something to the petite woman on Keibler’s arm.

Keibler had a similar all-American look about him. She guessed he was six feet tall, his dark hair was cut close to his head, he had an easy smile for the woman next to him and the security people he was talking to. He glanced at the darkly tinted SUV Iris was in, but didn’t seem to realize it was occupied. He wiped off an imaginary piece of lint from his double-breasted suit jacket and Iris was under the impression he just wanted to look at his reflection.

“Who’s the woman?” Iris asked as she scanned the female with clearly Asian ancestry next. The woman wasn’t in the file she’d read and Iris knew a lot of security people from the other companies around Miami. It was a niche industry. Naturally she didn’t know everyone, but the two men in suits that had rounded the vehicle to join the trio were employees from a company she’d worked with before.

“Don’t know. Date, maybe,” Wyatt said from the backseat, but there was a note of hesitation in his voice.

“Hmm.” The woman’s glossy black hair was pulled back against her neck in a sharp twist and secured with two hair sticks. She wore a clingy red and silver formal dress that dipped low enough to show cleavage without being obscene. It was held up with spaghetti straps and clung to every inch of her lean body before flaring out slightly near her knees to fall in a graceful wave to her feet. She could have a weapon strapped to one of her calves or even those hair sticks could be deadly. “Has Keibler ever brought a date to one of these things?”

“No. And I don’t like those hair…things,” Wyatt said.

Iris inwardly smiled, liking that they were on the same wavelength. Vincent and Kell murmured in agreement. Some days Iris wondered what it would be like if she didn’t see every person as a possible threat or seemingly innocuous things as potential weapons, but knew she’d never want to live life like that. She liked being aware and would rather be paranoid than dead. “We wait until they’re inside, then we follow. Everyone clear?” she asked for the benefit of the men in the SUV behind them. She quickly received affirmatives and luckily Keibler, Thorton, and the others headed across the stone walk to the mansion moments later.

As they started to exit the vehicle, Wyatt received a phone call so they all remained silent until he was finished. The conversation had been mainly one word responses so Iris couldn’t even guess what it had been about.

However, his voice was smug when he said, “The other buyers backed out. It’s just going to be us and Thorton Enterprises.”

Iris knew the basics of the deal, but didn’t like anyone backing out at the last minute. The other potential buyers hadn’t had any red flags show up, but that didn’t mean they weren’t out to get Wyatt. Tearing her gaze from surveying the quiet surroundings, she turned in her seat. “Why?”

“Because they know I’m going to win the bid.” He not only sounded smug, he looked it. Those piercing blue eyes watched her carefully.

She raised an eyebrow. “You’re very sure of yourself.”

“When I want something, I go for it and I don’t let anything stand in my way.” He was silent for a moment as they stared at each other. She knew he was talking about more than the deal and damn her traitorous body, her nipples tightened at the thought of being on the receiving end of his pursuing nature. She was still kicking herself for agreeing so easily to give their marriage a shot, but waking up in his arms this morning had been heaven. While Iris didn’t like to get accustomed to anything—or attached to anyone—because she knew things and people could be taken away in an instant…getting used to Wyatt’s strength was something she could easily do. Too easily.

Tearing her gaze away, she looked at Vincent who was watching her with a heavy dose of curiosity in his eyes. She knew he’d never say anything though. Not publicly. He’d wait until they were hanging out in a casual setting then pounce and grill her. The man was nosy. So far she’d managed to deflect his questions about how she’d ended up married, but she knew her time was coming. “I don’t care what this Forest guy says. With these last minute changes, all of us are going in. The other team can wait in the foyer, but you and Kell are coming with me and Jay.” She glanced at Wyatt, expecting an argument, but he just nodded, his demeanor surprisingly acquiescent.

Good. She hated arguing with clients and Wyatt was so much more than a client. Still, she wasn’t fooled into thinking he was simply okay with her decision. She was ready to walk if Forest refused to let her team guard Wyatt, but she wasn’t so sure Wyatt was. That was a problem she’d have to deal with if it arose.

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