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Blurred Lines

Page 34

When we pulled into the parking lot, Reid quickly jumped out, and grabbed his things before coming to my side and helping me step down from the car.

“Go,” I told him, taking his car keys. I gave him a chaste kiss, and watched him run to where Dane and the rest of the team had already assembled. I slipped my Aviator shades over my eyes, and spotted Kennedy and Grady sitting in the stands away from the harsh rays of sun. Kennedy waved me over, and as I made my way towards the stairs, I noticed Stella and the dance team practicing a routine on the edge of the field.

Except Stella wasn’t dancing.


The Hobbit bitch was staring daggers at me.

I felt the urge to flip her the bird, but the way her eyes lowered to my stomach made me hesitate. A chill broke out across my skin, and that God-awful worry that something was going to happen suddenly reared its head.

Something inside me told me to avoid the psycho at all costs, and I made sure I was closer to Reid than she was in case I needed him. I pushed the uneasiness from my mind, and smiled widely when Kennedy jumped up to hug me.

“Hey baby mama,” - she giggled at the new nickname my friends had bestowed on me - “We thought you weren’t coming.”

“Sorry,” I replied, taking a seat between them. “Reid and I got held up.”

Grady’s brows lifted, and then he engulfed me in a hug. “Got held up you mean had a quickie, right?”

I smirked, and lifted my shoulders in an I-have-no-idea-what-you’re-talking-about gesture.

“Is it normal for pregnant women to have so much sex?” He scoffed. “Surely that baby has an indent of Reid’s dick on her forehead by now.”

“Grady!” Admonished Kennedy. “You can’t say shit like that in public!”

Grady looked around, and pulled a face when he realized that a few of the kids’ parents were within earshot of our conversation.

“Hey,” I lifted my hands. “Don’t hate on my baby because she’s seeing more dick than you are.”

Kennedy snorted, and Grady stared, open-mouthed, over the rim of his sunglasses.

Jade 1: Grady 0.

“Well played,” said Grady. “I’ve seriously missed your fiery disposition on campus.” He pouted, and looked as handsome as ever on his striped polo shirt, white shorts, and brown sandals.

“I know,” I exhaled harshly. “I’ve been going crazy at home, and Reid won’t let me do the nursery yet. So I made him drag me out here before I dismembered his body with a hacksaw.”

I leaned back against the hard plastic seat as Kennedy and Grady tutted their tongues at me, and stretched out my legs as I watched Reid playing ball with the kids on the field. Excitement swirled in my chest because I couldn’t wait to see him with our daughter.

“So,” I turned my head to look at Kennedy. “How’s it living with Lover Boy?”

Her face beamed and her giddiness rolled off her body in spades.

“I haven’t killed him yet,” she replied. “So I guess that’s a good sign.”

“You have to detach your mouth from his before you can kill him,” chuckled Grady. “I’m surprised you haven’t been escorted from the premises by campus security for public indecency.”

I thinned my lips to stop myself from laughing when Kennedy’s cheeks reddened.

“That’s rich,” said Kennedy. “You and Daniel aren’t any better.”

I raised my brows and turned my gaze to Grady. “You’re still with him?”

Grady cleared his throat, and it was his turn to blush. “He asked me to be his boyfriend.”

Kennedy and I both awwww’ed in unison and Grady swatted his hand at us. “It’s no big deal,” he said, trying for nonchalant.

“Of course it is,” I replied. “You must really like him, huh?”

Grady gave us a rare, shy smile. “I do, but I’m not sure if I can do the serious thing just yet.”

“Take your time,” advised Kennedy. “You’re in no rush for anything, but you never know, he might be the guy that flips your world on its head.”

I know all about that, I thought, staring at Reid. He was laughing at something that Dane said, and just then I felt a kick under my rib.

Yeah, baby girl, I rubbed the spot, that’s your daddy.

The rest of the afternoon passed slowly, but I was happy to spend it with Kennedy and Grady since I didn’t see them every day like I used to. I felt relaxed, and at ease, until I saw Stella glowering at me again.

Her expression was calculating, and filled with hatred so palpable it touched my skin. Why did she make me feel so uncomfortable?

My eyes followed her movements as she walked towards the stands and up the stairs. She stopped two rows behind us to gather her bags, but didn’t leave immediately. I could feel her staring at the back of my head, but tried to shake it off. I couldn’t understand why I’d been feeling so unsettled, but I found myself grasping my belly protectively anyway.

AFTER ANOTHER HOUR I suddenly had the urge to use the bathroom. I told Grady and Kennedy as much, and headed towards the tunnel where the girls locker room was situated. I took care of business, cursing the fact that my 3.3 pound baby decided to use my bladder as a pillow, and washed my hands. When I looked up the mirror I froze.

The hair on my nape stood at attention, and my skin broke out in goosebumps. And not the good kind.

“Jade.” Stella sneered. Her arms were folded, and she was dressed in her dance uniform. Something about her eyes didn’t look right – they were too wild, and filled with vengeance.

“Stella,” I greeted back. I steeled my spine, and straightened, refusing to be the slightest bit intimidated by her.

She can’t hurt me, I told myself, over and over again. But I was having a hard time believing she wouldn’t at least try. I turned around, and met her gaze.

Her eyes dropped to my stomach, and alarm bells started going off in my head.

“It should be me,” she murmured to herself.

I held my breath, and when she looked back up at me her face twisted, and she lunged.

“It should be me!” She screamed, throwing her arms out towards me. I managed to sidestep her, but not before she stuck her foot out and tripped me. I stretched my arms out, but not before I hit the floor. My stomach hit the ground, and I cried out when a sharp pain traveled up my side.

“I should be having his baby!” – Stella’s shriek startled me. “He loves me, not you!”

I cradled my stomach, struggling to breathe through the pain, and when I saw Stella coming towards me out of the corner of my eye, my need to protect my baby surpassed my fear and my panic. I rolled on to my back, and when she was close enough, I kicked my legs out. My feet connected with her stomach, hard enough to make her stumble backwards, and I took the chance to attempt an escape.

I clambered to my feet, wincing as I held my stomach, and managed to find the door. I flung it open, and hobbled into the tunnel. I felt warm fluid traveling down my legs, but I was too scared to look, afraid that I’d see blood.

Please, I begged. Please don’t take my baby.

I saw Kennedy coming up from the field, and before my knees gave out, I yelled, “HELP ME!”

Chapter 19


Dane and I started packing up the extra athletic equipment after our training session with the local high school boys. Coach Ford had decided it would be beneficial for the team to get involved with a mentoring program, and today was the first Saturday we’d tried it. So far it was a success, and I could tell our team was excited about it.

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