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Blow the Man Down - A Romance of the Coast

Page 269

"We're only grabbing what's handy just now. Some of the cargo forward is

above water. I'm in on this thing in a sort of queer way myself." This

keen-eyed young man who had been so heartily indorsed by the tugboat

skipper afforded the man in the fur coat an opportunity for a little

conversation about himself. "I'm the outside man for Todd & Simonton, of

Boston, and bought on the jump after I'd swapped a wire or so with the

house. Happened into that auction, and bought blind. I believe in a

gamble myself. Then somebody wired to the concern that they had been

stuck good and fine, and they gave me a sizzler of a call-down in a

night message. A man can sit at desk in Boston and think up a whole lot

of things that ain't so. Well, I've flown out here with what equipment

I could scrape up in a hurry, and you can see what I'm doing! There's

enough in sight in the way of loose cargo to square me with the concern.

But, blast the luck! If Jake Simonton had a little grit and would back

me I believe we'd make a killing."

"Of course, it all depends on how she's resting and what will happen

when the next blow comes," said Mayo. "Have you been below?"

"I'm a hustler on a dicker, and a hellion on junk," snapped the boss.

"I'm no sailor, prophet, or marine architect. I simply know that she's

full of water aft and has got something serious the matter with her

innards. I'm pulling enough out to make Simonton sorry he sassed me in a

night message. Only he will never let on that he's sorry. He never lets

loose any boomerangs that will scale around and come back and hit him.

He wants to be in a position to rasp me the next time I make a mistake

in a gamble."

"All the crew gone ashore--the Bee line men?"

"Sure--bag and baggage. We own her as she stands. That second officer

had 'em shivering every time a wave slapped her. I was glad when he got

away. He pretty nigh stampeded my men. Said she was liable to slide

any minute."

The drawling voice of Captain Dodge broke in above them. "Here comes

the tug Resolute" he stated. "Mebbe it's another one of them night

messages from your concern, Titus. May want you to put what you can

carry of her in a paper bag and bring it to Boston."

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