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Black Lament

Page 27

“I think so. But it would be more like squashing a nuclear power plant.”

“If you kill something that old and that magical, there will be aftershocks,” I guessed.


“So what these factions are really worried about is being in the way when the explosion happens.”

“You can’t credit most faeries with concern for the greater good,” Beezle said.

“J.B. is pretty noble-minded,” I said.

“He’s only half-faerie, and he spent most of his childhood with his father. He’s more human than you are.”

“Thanks,” I said, chewing slowly and thinking about what Beezle said.

Titania and Oberon’s actions didn’t make sense. Even if they believed I owed them for Amarantha’s death, the matter should have been settled after I killed the Hob. They had to know that if the Morningstar got involved, it would be bad for everyone. It was almost as if they were…

“They’re picking a fight with Lucifer,” I said aloud. “But why?”

“Remember what Jude told us when Wade was missing? All the courts are choosing sides for a future war.”

“Yeah, but Titania and Oberon are not just lining up on one side of the battlefield or the other. They’re actually trying to start the war.”

“What’s in it for them?” Chloe asked.

“I don’t know. They must think they’ll get the spoils. But this brings us back to what we were just talking about. Lucifer is more powerful than anyone knows, so there’s no way they could win.”

“Except maybe he’s not,” Chloe said.

“You think Lucifer is not as powerful as he’s perceived to be?” Beezle asked.

I thought about the strain of magic that ran in me from Lucifer’s line, diluted by hundreds of generations and yet infinitely stronger than any other power I carried.

“He is that strong,” I said. “But the faeries must think they’ve got something stronger.”

Beezle looked at me. “Or that they’ve found his weakness.”

“I am not Lucifer’s weakness. He would happily throw me on a bonfire if he thought he could get something out of it.”

“Maybe before, but not now,” Beezle said pointedly.

“But they don’t know about…” I said, trailing off. I didn’t want to talk about the baby in front of Chloe.

“If that meaningful silence is for me, don’t bother. I can totally tell that you’re pregnant.”

“Really? How?”

“You’ve got that puffy look that pregnant women get.”

“I’m maybe two weeks pregnant. I do not look puffy.”

Chloe’s eyebrows winged up to her hairline. “Whoa. So you look like this all the time?”

“Moving on,” I said. “There’s no way the faeries could know. And even if they did, I don’t think killing me is the best way to weaken Lucifer. I don’t think he would sit at home crying over me; do you?”

“No. He would probably blast the entire kingdom of Faerie into oblivion,” Beezle said.

“Exactly. So it doesn’t make sense. Nothing they’ve done makes sense.”

A headache was brewing between my eyes. There were too many plots, too many loose strands to collect. Azazel and the vampires on one side, Titania and Oberon and their obsession with vengeance on another. A common desire to overthrow Lucifer linked them both. Were the two plots connected, or was it just coincidence that they both decided now was the time? Why had Lucifer suddenly been perceived as vulnerable?

I didn’t have enough information to try to decipher the ways and means of Lucifer’s enemies. So I had to focus on what I did have—Azazel’s notebook.

While Chloe and Beezle demolished the rest of the pancakes, I explained what had happened the day before.

“So we need to find out what Azazel’s experiments are all about,” I said, presenting her the binder that Nathaniel had found.

She took it from me with a look of gleeful curiosity on her face, scanning the pages quickly.

“He’s definitely using some known chemicals, but some of the other symbols seem to be unique,” Chloe said, frowning over Azazel’s equations.

“Maybe they’re shorthand for magic?” I asked.

“Possibly, but there’s no sure way to establish what magic he might have invoked for each symbol,” she said.

My face fell. “So we have no way of breaking down these formulas?”

“I didn’t say that,” Chloe said with a touch of asperity. “I just need a little time.”

“I don’t know how much time we have,” I said grimly.

“Then I guess I’ll have to get to work,” she said, pushing away from the table and tucking the binder under her arm.

“J.B. said there’s been some flak about outside projects at the Agency,” I said.

“Don’t worry. I know how to avoid getting caught,” she said.

Samiel was standing at the sink washing the prep dishes. She approached him like a big cat stalking its prey. A second before Chloe reached him, Samiel turned, almost as if he sensed her approach. His eyes widened as she flattened herself against him and pressed her lips against his.

I turned my head away, hiding my smile under my hand. When I looked back Chloe was marching toward the front door with a satisfied look on her face, and Samiel appeared stunned.

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