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Black Lament

Page 25

J.B. held up his hands. “All I’m saying is when that day comes, whenever that day may be, please consider me.”

I shook my head. “J.B. You can’t wait forever for the possibility that I might choose you.”

“I’m hoping I won’t have to wait forever,” he said steadily.

“I don’t deserve you,” I said.

“Probably not,” he replied, and he put his hand over mine.

Which was how Nathaniel found us when he knocked on the back door and walked in without waiting for an answer.



I felt guilty, and I didn’t know why, which made me angry. I pushed away from the table and stood.

“What did you want?” I asked.

Nathaniel paused at the door, not looking at me. “Only to see if you were well.”

“I’m well,” I said. “And in the future, please wait for me to answer the door before coming in.”

“I apologize. Everyone else is permitted to come and go. I presumed it would be acceptable for me to do as well.”

“It’s not.”

“I understand,” he said, and went out again.

I slumped back into my chair, my adrenaline crashing.

“Never mind the stress of being hunted by all and sundry. I may not survive the stress of having Nathaniel in the house,” I muttered.

Beezle pushed the back door open and flew in. He gave an exaggerated double take when he saw my hair.

“Speak and you die,” I said.

“What?” Beezle said. “I was going to ask if you made an omelet for me.”

“Really?” I said skeptically.

“Well, no, I was going to say it looks like you took a hacksaw to your head, but I suspect such comments would be frowned upon in your current condition.”

“You suspect correctly,” I said.

J.B. stood up. “I’ll send Chloe to you tomorrow.”

“Let me know if you overhear of any further plots on my life, will you?”

J.B. nodded and left.

I looked at Beezle. “I’m thinking we shouldn’t wait around to see what shows up at the door next.”

“You want to confront Titania and Oberon?”

“Good, you were eavesdropping so I don’t have to trouble myself to explain the situation,” I said.

“Maddy,” Beezle said, and his little face was very grave. “I’ll admit that you’ve defied some pretty powerful beings in the past, and you’ve even managed to defeat most of them. But Titania and Oberon are on Lucifer’s level, and you haven’t managed to get the best of him yet.”

“What do you know about them?” I said.

“Nobody knows how old they are. They might be as old as Lucifer.”

“Very ancient beings. Check,” I said.

“They adore children but have only managed to have one of their own in all these millennia, so they are not above stealing someone else’s child.”

“So I should avoid revealing my pregnancy to them for as long as possible.”

“Oh, yeah. To steal a child of Lucifer’s line would be quite a coup for them.”

“Have they been trying?” I asked.

“Well, the difficulty comes from not knowing just who Lucifer’s been bonking,” Beezle said. “Remember what a surprise Baraqiel was?”

“I wonder why the faerie king and queen have so much trouble conceiving while Lucifer seems able to father a child on pretty much anything.”

“For some reason, faeries don’t seem to reproduce easily. But rumor has it that the only child of Titania and Oberon isn’t Oberon’s, if you know what I mean.”

“The faerie king is shooting blanks?”

“So some say.”

“Where do you get these rumors from, anyway?” I asked. “It’s not like you leave the house unless you’re with me.”

“I have a Facebook account, as you well know.”

“You’re discussing the paternity of the faerie kingdom’s heir on Facebook?”

“Just because you don’t know the value of social media doesn’t mean everyone is like that,” he said.

“Then I want you to put your pastime to good use. See what else you can find out about Titania and Oberon.”

“Are you looking for some specific information?” Beezle asked.

“Yeah. I want to know their weaknesses.”

“Besides the usual immortal flaws of vanity, jealousy and self-righteousness?”

“Yes. Although those give me something to start with,” I said, thinking. “If there is any truth to the rumors about Oberon, then there’s some leverage there.”

“Careful where you tread,” Beezle said.

“I know. They would crush me just for implying their heir is not legitimate.”

“It definitely hits Oberon’s pride. And Titania will apparently do anything to keep him happy.”

“So they love each other, then?”

“Not in the way you would think of love, probably, but yes, they do.”

“And that’s something to work with, too,” I said. “Love is a weakness. If you care about someone, then you can be hurt.”

Beezle looked at me. “Aren’t we ruthless?”

“I know better than anyone how love can cut you to pieces.”

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