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Black Bartlemys Treasure

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June 2.--Went a-hunting three of my destroyers, viz. the rogues Galbally, Vokes and Bartalozzi. But they well-armed and keeping always in company did no more than harm Vokes in the leg by a bullet, and so to my fort and mighty downcast. Began to make myself a chair with arms. This day also wrote me out divers parchments thus: JASPER VOKES SLAIN Of NECESSITY THIS [----] DAY LIKE ROGUES TAKE WARNING.


and of these parchments 13 (the boy being already dead), with every rogue his name fair writ that they might know me for man of my word and leave me and my treasure in peace.

June 3.--The weather hot and I out after my bloodthirsty enemies. Came on the French rogue Durand and him sleeping. Removed his firearms and kicked him awake. He to his sword and I to mine. Took him in quarte at the third passado through the right eye--a shrewd thrust. Tied a parchment about his neck and so to my refuge very full of gratitude.

June 4.--To-day, guided by Providence, surprised Izaac Pym gorging himself on wild grapes. Spying me he whips out his pistol, but I fired first. Tied a parchment about his neck and so left him.

June 5.--Evil days for me since these murderous rogues keep ever together now and on their watch against me day and night. My great chair finished and all I could wish it.

June 9.--This night the moon full they assaulted my fort with huge halloo and many shot, battering my door with a great log for ram. But I shooting one and wounding others they left me in peace.

June 10.--All this day ventured not abroad fearing an ambuscado. And lighting a fire within my inner cave the smoke showed me how I might hide from my bloodthirsty foes an need be.

June 11.--My would-be slayers camped all about my refuge and howling for my blood, though keeping well out of my line of fire. So I to making me a ladder of ropes whereby to come at my new-found sanctuary. Determine to make this my bedchamber.

June 12.--My cruel enemies yet raging about me ravening for my blood and I very fearful. Have taken down my bed to set it within my secret chamber.

June 13.--This morning early the rogue Benjamin Denton, venturing within my fire-zone, took a bullet in his midriff, whereof he suddenly perished.

June 14.--This morning having gotten all my furniture into my secret chamber do find myself very comfortable. But my stores beginning to run low do put myself on half-rations.

June 15.--My murderers very silent with intent to lure me to my death but I-The rest of this page was so stained and blotted that I could make nothing of it save a word or phrase here and there as: ... secret pass ... pit of black water and very ... fear of death ... head over ears ... to my chin so that I ... miserably wet ... on hands and knees being determined ... wonderful beyond thought for here ... tlemy's Treasure ... very great ... this gold I saw was ... emeralds, diamonds and ... pearls a-many ... through my fingers ... like any poor crazed soul. For here was treasure greater ... moreover and wealth undreamed ... shaft of ... suddenly ... the valley ... sore annoyed I stood to ... he knelt ... seeking the water ... turned ... our knives ... through my forearm but I ... broke short against my chain-shirt and I ... beneath the armpit. So back by the secret way to bind up my hurt and behold again my treasure.

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