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Black Bartlemys Treasure

Page 171

"And myself!"

"A foolish being and gloomy!" says she. "One that loveth to be woeful and having nought to grieve him for the moment must needs seek somewhat! So will I to bed ere he find it!"

"Look now," quoth I, as she rose, "in losing the world you do lose everything--."

"And you also, Martin."

"Nay," says I, "in losing the world of yesterday I may find more than ever I possessed!"

"Meaning you are content, Martin?"

"Is anyone ever content in this world?"

"Well--I--might be!" says she slowly. "But you--I do fear you will never know true content, it is not in you, I think."

And off she goes to bed leaving me very full of thought. Howbeit the moon being very bright (though on the wane) I stayed there until I had finished her hairpin, of the which I give here a cut, viz.:-(Sketch of a hairpin.)

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