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Big Game (The V V Inn #3)

Page 18


My eyes spring open in the darkened living room. The time on the tiny DVD player near the television reads not quite six a.m. Hmmm... after staying up late into the night talking to Candy, I can't imagine why I'd jolt awake after the drama of yesterday's shootings. God, what a mess we've got on our hands.

Despite the horrors we have waiting for us my mind feels curiously light. Something seems off... no, wait... different might be a better term for it. Like a burden I wasn't aware of has been lifted.

I lie still for a moment, getting my bearings and try not to disturb the young woman sleeping next to me on the couch. My eyes close and I sink into the cushion, reviewing what I did yesterday and what could make my mind feel like this. Concentrating on my connection with Vivian I realize it's not there-that's what seems off. She's not there for the first time in over seven years. Is it the physical distance between us or has she deliberately muted it more to give me space? She promised to not cut me off, so maybe it's the distance.

Should I call her with one of the charged satellite phones? We spoke yesterday, and it's not like we said we'd talk every day. I get the feeling she's pulling away for my own good, but I don't like it. I run a hand over my face, determined not to obsess over the ancient vampire-especially after discovering who Spike really is. Vivian has told me enough times that she and Rafe can handle everything without me, so I might as well take the hint.

The simple joy of last night's one kiss floods through me. I wanted the moment to go on and on almost as much as I wanted to press my advantage and try for more, but the timing was off. It would have been shitty to make a move on her when she'd earlier witnessed her packmate jerking me off.

Last night, here in the dark, I opened to the shifter like I haven't with anyone in years. I told her about how I came to be Vivian's servant and she shared her tumultuous late teen years living on her own, which lead to masquerading as a man to stay safe.

We've both been through the ringer and talking to her felt like one of those moments with someone when you first connect and realize you have a lot in common. It was kind of freeing, actually.

I glance over at the stunning young woman. A lock of soft hair is brushed behind an ear while she sleeps on the pillow next to my hip. Her delicate heart-shaped face and cute button nose look even more sensual when she sleeps. Damn, I've got it bad.

Long after midnight, she stretched out on the sofa cushions and I stayed propped up on the connecting chaise. I'd wanted to scoot over and hold her in my arms but didn't because the raw feelings and desires scared me. That and the whole "grows a dick" thing still had me feeling a little off my game.

I'm dying to ask her about the sexual encounter with Naomi, but had a feeling if I brought it up she'd want to talk about the moment in the woods she witnessed... and reminding her of my indiscretion didn't seem prudent.

A small smile lights my face at the thought of Candy's wolf's teeth snapping at my ass yesterday. She was interested in me for a good long while and I had no idea. I still can't believe I thought I was gay. Fucking pheromones.

She said she understood my loyalty to the vampire and didn't have an issue with it. Could that be true? My heart swells at the mere thought of having someone for myself, outside of the loving couple... a true mate of my own. Would she consider moving here and join my growing pack?

Geez Louise. Listen to me. I sound like a chick. I shake my head at the desperate thoughts. Placing more importance on the evening than I have any right to. Best thing would be to wait and see how things develop. Maybe if I suggest she stay for a few weeks this summer that might be more of a safer approach.

I slide off the couch to kneel on the floor next to her. The mysterious shifter lies on her side, an arm curled under a throw pillow. Her breathing sounds low and steady, like in a deep sleep. My gaze travels to the dip of her waist, noticeable even through her bulky men's clothes. Before I can stop myself, I reach out and place a palm on her jeans-covered hip. It's not creepy to touch her without her knowledge if I don't actually molest her, right?

Warmth spreads through me as I softly mold my hand over her feminine curve. She feels slender and athletic. I've always admired a woman who stays in shape. Okay, I'm being creepy now. I need to stop before I do anything else and seriously regret it.

I pull away the offending hand and glance back at her slumbering face. Her eyes are wide open and she's staring at me with a thoughtful look. Crap! Tell me I did not just get caught doing something that falls precariously close to illegal.

"Er... umm... I..." I say, frozen in my guilt.

Candy lifts her head and leans forward. "Shh...." She softly places her lips on mine and gives me a tender kiss. I press closer, deepening the contact, and cup my errant hand around the back of her head. In a moment that's over far too soon for my taste, she pulls back and flashes a sly smile. "Do you normally feel-up sleeping women on your bosses' couch?"

No longer ashamed of my actions, I grow bolder and push the envelope even further. "Are you sure that was feeling you up?"

Her eyebrows lift. "Maybe it wasn't." The confident young woman leans back and stretches, reaching her arms past the pillow, pushing up her breasts to strain against the shirt buttons. When she glances to see if I'll take the bait there's a clear invitation on her face. I could be dead wrong, but in the dim light from the kitchen it looks like she wants me to go further.

The devil inside, aka the raging boner painfully shoving into my thigh, encourages me to take the leap. Not wanting to appear like some callow youth groping her at the first opportunity, I lean in near her neck, where the top two buttons of her shirt lay open. Taking a deep breath, I fill my senses with her unique spicy musk.

The aroma clearly is not male or female, but somewhere in between. While in this form she definitely smells more like a chick-at least, that's what I tell myself as I trail soft kisses down the exposed flesh and slowly edge my lips under the loose fabric.

She feels silky under my touch. When I gently suck her skin into my mouth, her breath hitches and her heart thumps faster. Before I have a chance to decide how far to go, she pulls her arms back down and opens a few more buttons.

"It's not 'feeling' if you don't use your hands, now is it?" She spreads her shirt wide, revealing two hard nipples sitting atop beautiful breasts. My breath catches in my throat as the slit of my cock weeps in my pants. Those tits look pretty enough to fuck.

Never one to disappoint a lady, I gently cup her sexy offering, determined to make sure if I feel her up, I do it properly. When I lower to taste one dusky peak, she arches to press herself deeper into my touch.

I pull the tightened flesh between my lips and tease the ridged peak with my tongue. A low moan comes from the languid shifter, encouraging me to continue. My warm palms squeeze her flesh and press the two globes together, creating a channel I'd love to slide my prick through. I flick my tongue over one nipple then reach for the other one, closing my hot mouth over the aroused areola and loving it like I did the first.

Her voice rushes out on a husky sigh, "Now that's more like it, Jon."

I chuckle inside, my humor radiating like a low grumble that vibrates against her skin. By the shift of her hips on the couch, she likes the added sensation.

I pause in my ministrations to clear my lust-soaked brain. What am I doing? How far do I want to take this?

The sexually frustrated man within wants to rush headlong into whatever Candy might be offering, but the calm inner alpha who Vivian left in charge raises his unwelcome head and reminds me quite pointedly of my responsibilities.

Supernatural hunters. A dead werewolf. Several injured Weres. The arrival of Cy due to sabotaged communications.

A heavy sigh issues as I pull away from the tempting display and draw the young woman's shirt together.

Her eyes hold a question, a slight tinge of uncertainty coloring the depths. "Is something wrong?"

I shake my head. "Not in the way you think." I kiss her one last time, lingering over her luscious lips, leaving no doubt that I do indeed want her.

"We're in the middle of a situation here, you know that. As much as I might like to push it all aside and spend hours exploring every inch of your body, I can't. Another of Vivian's vampires was scheduled to land before dawn and I left instructions for them to wake me," I glance at the clock, "in ten minutes."

Candy sighs and nods her head. She reaches to button her shirt and I brush her hands aside and complete the task myself, taking my time and running my fingers over her skin while I'm at it.

"How do you want to play this?" she asks.

There's wariness in her expression. I wonder how many times she's revealed her true self to someone she's interested in and they've rebuffed her. It can't have been an easy game she played when she chose to disguise herself as a man.

I smile, eager to take the pain from her eyes and try to inject a little humor in the situation. "What-are you assuming I'm worried about people thinking I'm chasing a guy? Don't I look confident enough to you that I can pull it off?" I sit back on my heels and strike a body builder pose with my upper body. "Surely they will quake at my manliness and keep their thoughts to themselves."

Candy laughs softly and sits up, swinging her feet off the couch to rest on the floor next to my knees. "You'd do that for me?"

I think back on the hours we spent talking in the dark last night. She knows about my dedication to Vivian and didn't berate me my choice or try to convince me to leave the vampire-which is way more than the last few woman I'd been with ever did. Diana's thinly veiled jealously leaps to mind. I found it surprising she was able to keep it in check whenever she was around Vivian. Good thing she doesn't work in the main building. Lori from Romeo's pack was more vocal in her opinions on my choice.

"Yeah, I would." I tilt my head to the side while I examine Candy. "But I think this is your choice. You've presented yourself as a guy in Romeo's pack. It should be you who decides who you want to be as we move forward." I clear my throat before speaking my next thoughts, unsure of myself but not wanting to mislead her. "Although, when we're alone, I'd prefer you to be yourself... you know... as a woman...."

She laughs loud, and takes my hand. "Are you sure about that?" She winks to soften her implication. "I could have sworn I saw you checking out Spike's ass a little too closely, once or twice."

Heat burns my face at my remembered confusion. God, I thought I was going crazy. I think I had almost convinced myself I might be bi. For a fleeting moment I picture the slim and athletic Candy naked, a woman in every sense of the word, except for an erect cock jutting out from her hips. The image doesn't repulse me like I thought it would.

If I'm perfectly honest with myself, I have to acknowledge the past times I've tried to seduce Rafe with my werewolf pheromones. Granted, the purpose was to get into Vivian's bed, but the truth is there, nonetheless. "I won't deny I'm curious about your form-altering... er... ah... abilities. But I have no idea how far or fast I'd be ready for changes."

She nods. "That's fair enough." Candy glances to the dark living room windows. "I have no problem revealing my true self to Romeo's pack..." Her voice trails off. She looks back at me with a touch of worry on her face. "But the ladies might not be too happy when I do."

It's my turn to laugh. The sound spills into the air like I haven't laughed in ages. Tears gather in the corners of my eyes, "Oh man, how many of them did you go down on?" Picturing this attractive woman on her knees between the thighs of any of those gorgeous Weres gets the blood flowing to my cock again.

She shrugs, unsure of herself. "I was lonely and they were willing. We both enjoyed ourselves. I never took it beyond oral sex."

"You think that matters? If they consider themselves straight they might really be pissed."

She looks me right in the eye. "We had a president who said it wasn't sex. We'll just have to see, won't we?"

Her strength is admirable. She's willing to face the unknown by revealing herself to her pack to spare my image of being with a man. I tug her hand and draw her closer to me, placing my free hand behind her head to pull her lips to mine. The kiss is over quickly, but it has the desired effect for both of us-we're ready to face the outcome to see what could be between us.

"I think you're amazing," I say.

"And I think you're freakin' hot," she says with a smile. "Want to do that muscle pose for me again, big guy?"

I get to my feet and pull the brown-haired beauty with me. "Let's get some coffee going first. Then, I'll show you my moves."

Her infectious smile warms me as we head into the kitchen. I never expected this moment and I want to cherish it for as long as I can.

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