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Page 12

Miss White was eagerly talking to a richly dressed and very pretty

woman, while a gentleman stood beside them, impatiently twirling his

seal and watch-key.

All looked up, and Miss White exclaimed: "Here they are! Now my dear Mrs. Grayson, I rather think you can be

suited. Come here, little ones." She drew Claudia to her side, while

Lilly clung closer to her sister.

"Oh, what beauties! Only look at them, Alfred!" Mrs. Grayson glanced

eagerly from one to the other.

"Very pretty children, indeed, my dear. Extremely pretty;

particularly the black-eyed one," answered her husband, with far

less ecstasy.

"I don't know; I believe I admire the golden-haired one most. She is

a perfect fairy. Come here, my love, and let me talk to you,"

continued she, addressing Lilly. The child clasped her sister's

fingers more firmly, and did not advance an inch.

"Do not hold her, Beulah. Come to the lady, Lillian," said Miss

White. As Beulah gently disengaged her hand, she felt as if the

anchor of hope had been torn from her hold; but, stooping down, she

whispered: "Go to the lady, Lilly darling; I will not leave you."

Thus encouraged, the little figure moved slowly forward, and paused

in front of the stranger. Mrs. Grayson took her small, white hands

tenderly, and, pressing a warm kiss on her lips, said in a kind,

winning tone: "What is your name, my dear?"

"Lillian, ma'am; but sister calls me Lilly."

"Who is 'sister'--little Claudia here?"

"Oh, no; sister Beulah." And the soft blue eyes turned lovingly

toward that gentle sister.

"Good Heavens, Alfred; how totally unlike! This is one of the most

beautiful children I have ever seen, and that girl yonder is ugly,"

said the lady, in an undertone to her husband, who was talking to

Claudia. It was said in a low voice, but Beulah heard every

syllable, and a glow of shame for an instant bathed her brow.

Claudia heard it too, and, springing from Mr. Grayson's knee, she

exclaimed angrily: "She isn't ugly, any such thing; she is the smartest girl in the

asylum, and I love her better than anybody in the world."

"No, Beulah is not pretty, but she is good, and that is far better,"

said the matron, laying her trembling hand on Beulah's shoulder. A

bitter smile curled the girl's lips, but she did not move her eyes

from Lillian's face.

"Fanny, if you select that plain-spoken little one you will have

some temper to curb," suggested Mr. Grayson, somewhat amused by

Claudia's burst of indignation.

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