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Benign Flame: Saga of Love

Page 150

Playboy at Play

In mid-January that sankranthi, the exhibition ground in Hyderabad came alive as the fair curious of all ages inundated the premises. While some sauntered in and out of the pavilions, erected by the government departments, others filled the private stalls, of consumer goods. But, what took the cake at the grand mela were the garment shops. Nonetheless, the sensible, so it seemed, stood rooted at the vantage points to ogle at the bevy of beauties who made it to the annual fair.

In the pavilion of the Austral Industries, its young Executive Director was figuring out the vital statistics of the female visitors while apparently reviewing the sales figures. Of particular interest to him was the impression the air-conditioners, their new product, made on prospective buyers. Satisfied with the bottom line, he came out into the open to ascertain the proclivities of the passing women who abounded by then.

‘Almost every woman in her youth is beddable,’ he thought, lighting his India King. ‘While some may be repeatable, rarely are they keepable. But, each of them is obtainable, though with some of them it may take some time and effort even. But then, the quick-fire affair affords man ego satisfaction as well as ready gratification. Besides, won’t that make it easy for man to bring the curtains down, when it suits him? It’s as well; women tend to hang on to the illicit stage that much longer.’

‘But should the dame resist long enough,’ he continued with his soliloquy, ‘for the adventurer that would be a different ball game altogether. Her reluctance to give in would only increase her appeal to him by the day, deepening his desire for her by the night. Won’t that make it difficult for him to give up, resulting in unwelcome frustration? What’s worse, it could result in reverse seduction, tying the philanderer in the nuptial knots. And for the married man, courting singles could be a hindrance, for they harp on his divorcing the wife as a prerequisite for liaison. ’

‘But, oh, with their ripen wares, aren’t married women truly mouthwatering,’ he continued to delve into the proclivities of women, ‘and are ready-made for affairs. Maybe, some of them may need a man’s helping hand to cross the hurdle of their sentimental fidelity, for them to run the rest of the illicit race with him in their raunchy beds. Why, luckily for men, the hard nuts to crack for the final favor are few and far between! But then, the harder the struggle to win women over, the sweeter would be the pleasure in having them, wouldn’t it be? Oh, what else draws a man to a woman than his desire to access her persona specifics? Won’t woman bare her veiled assets for her fancied man to dabble with her private accounts? But after a few jaunts of his to her favored joint, what would be left in her for her lover to explore, and for her to show him more? And thereafter, how could she cater to his innate need for variety and what else she could conjure up to sustain his enticement? Oh, the poor thing, seeing his interest in her wane in time, won’t she turn more so eager to keep him in good humor? Of course, the more she gives her man; even more she satiates him, doesn’t she? And it’s only time before she finds her paramour bypass her favors for lesser flavors. That’s the woman’s bother, anyway, why should I bother?’

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