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Bandit Love

Page 96

"Io! I see I shall not be wanted, master!" she chuckled, and scuffled

away, her skinny shoulders shaking a half-suppressed merriment which

betrayed her thoughts more than words could have done.

Dread gripped Myra's heart as Don Carlos carried her into the bedroom

and set her down gently on the side of the bed. Every vestige of

colour had drained out of her lovely face and she was trembling


"Do not be afraid, Myra darling," Don Carlos murmured caressingly. "I

can be gentle as any woman, and would not harm my precious treasure.

Are you afraid that the sight of you will be so enticing to your lover

when he takes off your dressing-gown that he will not be able to tear

himself away from you?"

"Don Carlos, it isn't fair!" burst out Myra tremulously. "Please go!"

"Not until I have put my sweet baby to bed, tucked her in, and kissed

her good-night," said Don Carlos, and Myra knew that further protest

would be useless.

So she had, perforce, to submit to his taking off her dressing-gown,

and the glowing ardour and admiration in his dark eyes when she stood

before him clad only in her filmy, sleeveless "nightie" brought the hot

colour flooding back to her fair face again.

"Once before, Myra mia, I have seen you like this--on that night in

Scotland when I put my letter on your pillow," breathed Don Carlos.

"Surely you are the loveliest and most seductive woman in the world!"

He swept Myra into his arms again and kissed her repeatedly before at

last laying her down on the bed. In a sort of panic Myra slid herself

under the bedclothes and begged him breathlessly to leave her, but he

paid no heed. He bent over her, his dark eyes glowing like twin

flames, and laid his cheek against her own.

"Bid me stay, beloved," he whispered. "Give me the love for which my

whole being is craving. Bid me stay."

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