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Bandit Love

Page 94

"Is it useless to appeal to your better nature, to your chivalry?" she

asked quickly, her voice tremulous.

"Is it useless to appeal to you again to surrender to the call of

love?" countered Don Carlos. "Myra, mia cara, every fibre of my being

is pulsing with love for you, and my heart is craving for the joy and

rapture that you alone can give. Look into my eyes, mia cara, and

whisper that you love me."

He laid his hands on Myra's shoulders as he spoke, compelling her to

meet his burning glance, and Myra felt as if she were being hypnotised.

"You love me, Myra darling, and it is only pride that prevents you from

confessing yourself conquered," went on the caressing voice. "When you

are mine, you will whisper you are glad that I conquered you. You are

lovely, my dear, seductive, adorable prisoner, and the beauty of you

sets me aching with longing."

His hands slid caressingly from Myra's shoulders down her arms to her

hands, which he raised to his lips and then drew round his neck. Myra

was trembling, and her breath was coming and going unsteadily, and she

felt as if she had lost all powers of resistance, felt as if she had

been drugged. She closed her eyes, and a gasping sigh broke from her

lips as Don Carlos strained her close to his breast again, murmuring


"Let me set your heart afire with burning kisses," he murmured. "I

will kiss the heart out of you, sweet one, and kiss it back again white

hot with my own love and ardour. Give me back kiss for kiss, beloved."

Again he was kissing her, hungrily, passionately, yet tenderly withal.

Myra's senses were reeling. He did seem to be drawing the very heart

out of her with his lips, and drugging her senses. She felt as if she

were suffocating, and again she began to struggle involuntarily after a

few minutes as he drew her down with him on to the couch.

"You are stifling me," she panted. "Let me go."

Don Carlos released her at once, and she rose to her feet, pressing her

hands instinctively to her heaving bosom, as if to try to still the

wild throbbing of her heart. Her lovely face was flushed, her breath

was coming and going in sobbing gasps, her eyes, dark with emotion,

were feverishly bright, and her whole body seemed afire.

"Let me go now, please," she added gaspingly. "I can bear no more.

I--I think I am going to faint."

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