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Bandit Love

Page 67

Sure of her own powers, but uncertain of her own heart, Myra could not

make up her mind in advance what attitude to adopt towards Don Carlos

at their next meeting, and wondered what his attitude would be towards

her. Would he profess to be heart-broken, or continue to make

passionate love to her at every opportunity?

She was left wondering, for Don Carlos left London that very day, after

explaining to Tony that he had been called to Paris on important


"Said he might be away for a week or two, but promised he would make a

point of getting back in time to join our yachting party," Tony

informed Myra. "Just as well, perhaps, what? Give him time to get

over having fallen in love with you, darling. Asked me to give you his

humble and dutiful regards--I believe that was his expression--and to

assure you he never broke a promise. I suppose he meant his promise to

be back in time to join us at Southhampton."

"I suppose so," Myra equivocated. "I don't believe he is in love with

me, Tony."

"I don't see how anyone could help being in love with you, darling,"

responded Tony gallantly. "My idea is that poor old Carlos is hard

hit, and has probably gone to Paris to pull himself together, so to

speak, and to avoid meeting you for a bit."

"Paris is so consoling!" commented Myra satirically. "Just the sort of

quiet, soothing place where a heart-broken lover can find solace! I

shall waste no sympathy on Don Carlos."

She was piqued and puzzled, and a little exasperated by the thought

that Don Carlos was playing a joke on her.

"He probably thinks I am deeply in love with him, and flatters himself

I shall be hurt and grieved by his sudden departure," reflected Myra.

"Perhaps he thinks he is paying me back in my own coin, and he will

find me ready to fall into his arms, so to speak, on his return. If

so, I can promise him a disappointment."

She tried to put Don Carlos out of her mind, but she found herself

thinking of him continually. Often in her dreams she was again

enfolded in his arms with his lips crushed on her own, and she would

wake with her heart throbbing wildly.

Tony never managed to set her heart throbbing in the same way. Myra

wished he could and would. Perhaps it was her dreams of Don Carlos

that caused her to be particularly nice to Tony during the next week or

two, and to try to persuade herself that she was really in love with


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