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Bandit Love

Page 44

In one swift glance Myra saw that the stranger had a pistol clutched in

his right hand, but that Don Carlos had a grip on the man's right wrist

and was desperately struggling to prevent his antagonist from using the

weapon against him. She screamed again, and even as she did so Don

Carlos, by some dexterous twist, got the armed man's elbow across his

knee, there was a howl of pain, and the pistol dropped from the

fellow's hand.

Quick as lightning Don Carlos released his grip, made a dive for the

pistol and got it, then leapt to his feet.

"Now lie where you are, you swine, or I'll kill you," he snarled


"Blast you! You've broken my arm," the man on the floor snarled back

at him, writhing in agony. "Blast you! Don't shoot. I surrender...

Oh, Gawd! my arm! I wish I'd killed you, damn you!"

While this was happening, doors had been flung open, lights had been

switched on, and scared women and startled men had appeared in the

corridors from their bedrooms, excitedly demanding to know the cause of

the uproar. Tony, in a suit of purple pyjamas, and with his sandy hair

on end, was almost the first on the scene.

"What's up? What's happened? Who's this fellow?" he asked

breathlessly. "A burglar? Have you shot him, Carlos?"

"No, I think I have merely dislocated his elbow," Don Carlos answered,

without taking his eye off the brawny burglar, who was now sitting up

nursing his damaged elbow and muttering curses through his clenched

teeth. "He tried to shoot me when I surprised him as he was trying to

force the door of Miss Rostrevor's room. You'd better 'phone for the

police and have the house searched in case he has accomplices."

"You can save yourself the trouble," growled the burglar. "I'm on my

own. When you 'phone for the police, ask 'em to fetch a doctor with

'em. You've broken my ruddy arm, damn you!"

"Considering that you did your best to murder me, you dog, you can

think yourself lucky that I did not kill you as soon as I got

possession of your pistol," retorted Don Carlos, who had recovered his


There was little sleep for anyone at Auchinleven that night. The local

Police Inspector and a Constable arrived after a long interval and took

the burglar away, after making a search of the house, assisted by the

servants, without finding any accomplices of the man in custody.

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