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Bandit Love

Page 111

"So you assert that Don Carlos lied?" demanded Cojuelo sternly. "You

did not tell him you would accept your freedom and leave the señorita

to me if I refrained from flogging you and branding you? Will you

swear that on oath--on your sacred word of honour as an English


"Don Carlos must have misunderstood me," Standish responded, nervously

licking his dry lips. "Look here, Cojuelo, drop this fooling and be

sensible. I realise you've got the whip hand, so to speak, and can

dictate your own terms. How much do you want? I told Don Carlos I am

willing to pay you ten thousand pounds--that's something like a million

pesetas in your money--to set Miss Rostrevor and me free. Think of it,

man--a million, and----"

"You have not answered my question, Señor Standish," interrupted

Cojuelo curtly. "Do you assert that Don Carlos de Ruiz lied when he

said you were willing to accept your freedom and leave the Señorita

Rostrevor to me? Will you meet Don Carlos face to face and denounce

him as a liar?"

"Don Carlos must have misunderstood me," repeated Tony. "It--er--it

isn't a question of calling him a liar. Look here, Cojuelo, what's the

use of all this bluff and bluster? Why don't you come down to brass

tacks and state your terms?"

"Don Carlos did not misunderstand you, and you are lying," Cojuelo

rasped at him. "Confess now to the Señorita Rostrevor that you have

renounced her."

"I shall do nothing of the sort, confound you!" Standish exclaimed

angrily. "Why the deuce don't you state your terms and have done with


"My terms were clearly dictated to you through the medium of Don

Carlos," said Cojuelo. "I give you your freedom on condition that you

renounce the Señorita Rostrevor and surrender her to me. Incidentally,

the señorita has promised she will marry me if you renounce her."

"I made the promise, Tony, because Don Car--er--I mean El Diablo

Cojuelo--boasted that you would surrender me to save yourself,"

interposed Myra hastily. "I knew nothing would induce you to give me

up, Tony. It isn't true, is it, that you agreed to go away with Don

Carlos and leave me here?"

"No, of course I didn't mean that, Myra," answered Tony, gulping as if

he had a lump in his throat. "Didn't I come here to ransom you?"

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