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Avenging Angel

Page 43

That was what he’d wanted. Her climax milked his cock, silken strokes that shredded his control.


Deeper. Harder. He drove into her. Again and again. He pushed her legs over his shoulders. Opened her to him completely.

Fast. Frantic. He plunged. The base of his spine tightened. He took her mouth. Tasted her—

And came harder than he ever had in his life. Tanner held tight to her, shuddering, as the pleasure pounded through him in a powerful wave that left him hollowed out.

But wanting more.

Of her, always, more.

His head lowered. He licked the small wound he’d made on her shoulder. She wouldn’t know the mark for what it was.


But he did.

“I understand.” Her voice was soft and satisfied.

Tanner forced his head to lift. His c**k was already getting hard inside of her again.

Her gaze found his and a smile lifted her face.

Fucking trouble. His chest began to ache.

“Now I know why.” She licked her lips, a fast swipe of her pink tongue. She’d offered to use that tongue on him before.

He thrust into her again.

Her eyes widened.

But he asked, “Why . . . ?” Not sure what she’d meant.

Marna’s smile widened. The sight took his breath away even as she said, “I know why humans are so interested in sex.”

Ah, getting that part, was she?

He pushed up onto his elbows and stared down at her.

“They fight, lie, even kill . . .” Her breath whispered out as he pushed into her. “For the pleasure.”

A pleasure that could make a strong man break.

Or drive him to destroy anyone or anything that came between him and the woman he wanted.

“I-I didn’t know . . .” Marna’s voice stuttered a bit as her hands curled around him.

He almost slid out of her, then pushed back.

“I didn’t know how good it would be,” she told him in a rush.

Tanner stilled and stared down at her. “Baby, it’s only gonna get better.” Time to show her that he was a man who could keep his promises.


Her sex was still slick from their releases. Pushing deep, he had her arching toward him. He rolled them, sliding so that she was on top, giving him one phenomenal view.

Her hands flattened on his chest. “Tanner, I—”

He locked his hands around her hips. Lifted her. He saw the flare of her pupils. She liked that.

Her knees pushed into the mattress as she pressed back down. Up. Down.

The second time should have been easier. Softer.

It wasn’t.

It was rougher. Harder.

She moved quickly on him, rising and falling, and he thrust into her wet heat. His hips pushed off the bed, and she gasped when he went deep inside of her.

Then Marna tried to take him even deeper.

Did she know her nails drew blood on his chest?

The panther growled.

His own claws wanted to break free—were breaking free. He yanked his hands up and away from her. The claws would be too sharp.

Not. Her.

He lifted his arms over his head and drove his claws into the wooden headboard. She stilled for an instant, and her gaze tracked up to his hands.

“Won’t . . . hurt you,” he grated. It was pretty phenomenal that he’d managed speech right then. All he could think was f**k her.

Her gaze came back to his. Held. “I know.”

Then she started moving again. Faster. Stronger. This time, she didn’t come with a whisper.

Marna shouted his name.

Only fair, since he roared hers when he exploded. His orgasm barreled through him. White-hot. The pleasure was so intense that he shuddered.

Fucking an angel had given him a taste of heaven. No, it had been better than paradise. Much better.

Her gasps filled his ears as she fell forward. Her blond hair covered them. He yanked his claws from the wood. Carefully, he put his arms around her.

Held her close.

One taste wasn’t gonna be enough.

Not nearly enough to satisfy him—or the beast he carried.

Bastion turned away from the scene of the lovers, his hands clenched.

Marna was lost to him.

It shouldn’t have been this way.

Not for her. Not for him.

His wings beat against the air as he soared higher, higher into the sky. His heart raced, and his guts seemed to twist. And he wanted to destroy the shifter.


Angels weren’t supposed to care about others. They did their jobs. They did their duty. There was nothing else.

Rip. Him. Apart.

How could she let the animal touch her? Tanner’s own brother had been the one to slice away Marna’s beautiful wings. Why would she allow the beast to defile her now?

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