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Page 10

“You say that to every girl.” Claudia rolled her eyes.

Dave winked at her. “You can’t hold that night against me forever.”

She turned away. “You bet your ass I can.” Then she disappeared, heading into the party. A second girl went off with her, and I remembered the buddy system they had. Did I have a buddy?

Avery must’ve read my mind because she said, “You’re with me.”

One of the other girls added, “She brought you in. She’s in charge of you.”

I slid a look to Avery. “Sorry.” A feeling of being hazed as a freshman washed over me. Awkward.

“Just don’t tell anyone who your brother is.”


“Stepbrother.” Avery corrected. “Does it really matter that much?”

Dave had moved so he was standing behind us, and he leaned forward, sticking his head between us. “Who’s your stepbrother?” He looked from her to me and back again.

Avery placed a hand on his forehead and pushed him back. “No one to you, and where’s Marcus?”

I stiffened at the name. Not the Marcus I met…

Dave frowned. “Why do you want to know where he is? He’s with Maggie.”

I didn’t think he was referring to the guy’s physical location.

“You mean Maggie is here?” Avery held a warning in her tone.

“Uh.” Dave grew still. “I mean, they’re dating. I think he said something about her studying with friends tonight.”

Avery’s eyebrows snapped together, and she turned to face him directly. I was scared to move. I glanced from the corner of my eye and saw the other girls had had the same response.

All eyes were glued on Avery.

Her eyebrow lifted.

Dave seemed to realize he’d said something stupid. His eyes widened, and his mouth formed a small O, as in Oh, shit. He edged back a step. Then he scratched behind his ear, making it look casual, “Uh…I mean…” He expelled a breath of air. “Fuck.”

Avery spoke, stiffly, “I’m aware he’s with Maggie. This is his house. I’m assuming he’s here, but I want to avoid him. That’s why I’m asking.”

Dave bobbed his head up and down. “Got it. You’re right. And he’s out back.”

“Is Maggie here?”

He closed his mouth and shook his head.

“That’s all I need to know.” Avery gave him a grin.

“Okay. I hope you all have a great evening, and…” He edged back another step, clutching his tray of drinks. “See ya!” He was swallowed by a crowd of people.

“What was that about?” I asked.

Avery shrugged, her shoulder jerking up. “He must’ve thought I gave two more shits than I do.” She grabbed my hand in a tight grip, then released it and shook out her hand so it was softer. “Come on. We need to find the dancing and get back to drinking.”

That’s exactly what we did.

Avery led the way, weaving in and around so many people. Just like on campus, the ones who recognized her yelled a hello. Some wrapped their arms around her, giving her big drunken hugs, and like before, she returned whatever they sent her way. It took us an extra twenty minutes to find the dancing in the basement.

We settled in a back corner, and right away a guy pulled Avery out to the dance floor. Watching her go, I leaned closer to one of the others and yelled over the music, “Is it always like that?”

She nodded. “That’s the deal if you’re friends with Av. She’s liked by everyone.” Her eyes shifted upward and she added, “Well, almost everybody.”

I wanted to ask more questions. I wanted to know everything, but when she turned and began talking to her buddy, I didn’t get the sense that either of them wanted to give me the rundown. The genogram would have to wait.

I pulled out my water bottle filled with rum and orange juice and leaned back to enjoy the rest of the night, which was filled with lots of laughing, lots of booze, and lots of dancing. Avery eventually pulled the rest of us out on the floor with her. Shell and Claudia joined us again, and a couple of the girls cozied up with guys. The ones who didn’t were turning offers down.

Avery leaned close when we were at a table later. “They’ve got boyfriends!” she announced over the music.

“That makes sense,” I yelled back.

She frowned slightly. “You have a boyfriend? I didn’t ask before.”

I shook my head. “Nope. No boyfriend.”

“What?” Her head bent closer to hear me better.

I shook mine again. “Nothing. No! I don’t.”

“Oh.” She gave me a thumbs-up sign. “Me neither. It’s the best! Being single is a lot more fun.”

Yes, it was, it’s just that I thought I’d have a boyfriend by now. She didn’t know I’d been hoping for one. But it wasn’t that simple. It wasn’t just wanting a boyfriend. I wasn’t that type of girl. I’d dated a couple other guys, but I hadn’t felt for them what I felt for Kevin, or thought I felt. Things were getting cloudy about that, but this was supposed to have been our time.

“Okay.” Avery stood up from the table. “I’m hot and sweaty, and the slow song is killing my buzz.”

Shell leaned forward, resting her elbow on the table, and gazed up at Avery with drunken, tired eyelids. “Where’s Marcus?”

Claudia came off the dance floor and plopped into the chair beside Shell. She grimaced, picking off strands of hair that had been plastered to her cheek and neck with sweat. “What’s going on?” She had a glazed-over look similar to her buddy’s, but she seemed a bit more alert. ns class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-7451196230453695" data-ad-slot="9930101810" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true">

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