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An American Cinderella

Page 52

“That is a shame.” She shook her head. “You see, I have bills to pay. Smith’s info was going to pay them. Only now, I’m out an informant.” Her eyes went to me and I squirmed.

“I can’t give you what I don’t have,” I repeated. My mind raced. “I mean, I do have the research for Anastasia.”

She waved her hand through the air, dismissing my words. “You think I care about that? I need those documents, Aria. And I need them now. My customers are not patient people.”

“I need more time. I got put on another project,” I lied. “I’ve been double tasked, triple if you count the research. I am trying, though.”

“Too busy to take photos like this?” She held up her phone, showing me the document I’d taken a picture of earlier. I stared in disbelief. There was no way she could have that. I had deleted it. I knew I had deleted it.

“And that recording you have going right now,” she motioned to my phone sitting out on the counter. “You’ll find it stopped working.”

“How did you... how?” I stumbled over the question, unable to even form it properly.

Audrey shrugged. “I’d have been disappointed if you hadn’t at least tried. I am a little amazed at how pathetic an attempt it was. I have no idea how you’re going to make it as a senator, darling.”

My heart sunk. She had the document. I had no idea how she had it, other than she had hacked my phone. Which made sense if she knew about the recording.

Audrey’s voice was low and dangerous as she lowered her eyes to mine. “You have until the end of next week. That should be more than enough time.”

“I’ll get you something,” I promised. My knees were shaking behind the kitchen counter. I’d never seen Audrey like this. She was dangerous. I didn’t know what was safe anymore.

“No, you’ll get me everything,” she said softly. “You’ll give me every damn scrap of paper in that entire worthless building.”

I gasped.

“And since you’re making me wait, I’m going to release something on your father.” A cruel grin spread across her face. “Just to show you that I’m not kidding around. You’re swimming with the sharks now, Aria.”

“Please, I promise to get what you want,” I stammered. My father’s face flashed in front of my eyes. “Please. Don’t release anything.”

“No. You need a lesson.” She looked around the room and scoffed. “And don’t worry. It won’t be too damaging. It’s just a reminder that I own you.”

“Please, Audrey. I’ll get you what you want.” I had no idea how I was going to do that. The last thing in the entire world I wanted to do was give her any information.

“Yes, you will.” Her face hardened and I trembled as she looked at me. “Because if you don’t, you’ll end up just like Smith. Imagine how easy it would be for them to find paperwork from your office at my home. If anyone goes down for this, it’s not going to be me. It will always be you. I’ve made sure of it.”

Her threat made, she turned and sashayed out of my apartment.

“Don’t forget, dear. Next Monday. All of it,” she called out as she went to the elevator. I thought she was gone when she suddenly reappeared. “I will need that research.”

“Right.” I moved like a zombie to my purse and pulled out a thumb drive. I nearly dropped it handing it to her.

“Thank you, dear,” she said. The evil cruelty was gone. The perfect, poised woman was back. “Have a wonderful rest of your evening.”

She smiled and waltzed out of my home, leaving me shaking like a leaf.

I stood in my kitchen, my knees shaking and my skin clammy. The door was open and I heard the elevator bell chime. I waited until I was sure she was gone before venturing out of the safety of the kitchen. It took a big swig of wine to do so, though.

I peeked through the open door to make sure she was really gone before closing and locking my door. I crumpled to the floor, shaking in terror.

She was going to destroy me no matter what I did. If I didn’t give her the information she wanted, she would frame me. If I did, I had no doubt that she would hold it over my head for the rest of my life. I held no illusions about that now.

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