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Page 27

“I didn’t leave you for him Mason! I left you because after our conversation last Friday, you made your choice. And that’s fine. Like I told you then, I felt like you were ready to move on, ready to move forward with your career, and that I was afraid I didn’t fit into that picture. And you made it quite obvious that I was right with your decisions last Friday, so don’t make me feel bad that I sought out comfort from someone else. I know your bed hasn’t fucking been empty!” I tried hard to keep my voice down, not wanting the other wedding guests to hear our argument, but I was so furious with him.

“Angel, I told you then that I had to play that show. I wouldn’t have missed coming home unless it was really fucking important, and it ended up being our ticket to get on the VanderBlue tour. I came home first thing Saturday morning and you were gone. You and all of your shit… just gone! I called everyone trying to find you, and I had to find out from Mina that you left with him. You didn’t even talk to me, you didn’t leave a note, nothing… just poof! You left… gone!”

“What was I supposed to do Mase? I talked to Bentley that night. She told me about the tour and everything else. I was a mess… a fucking mess! I couldn’t believe I had to hear it from her mouth and not yours; so don’t give me shit about not leaving a God damn note.”

“What the fuck do you mean you talked to Bentley that night?” He interrupted me.

“I called you back that night after the bachelorette party. She answered your phone and told me everything. I was devastated!”

“NOOOO!” He growled as he ran he covered his face with is hands and shook his head.

“Yes!” I retorted. “I had to hear it all from that stupid bitch instead of my boyfriend, who up until that moment, I thought loved me. I told you earlier in the day that you were ready to move on, Mase. I knew it and I guess you realized it too. I’m just sorry I drug Max into all of this.”

He uncovered his face and looked at me. “Max? What does he have to do with this?”

I looked down at my feet and began kicking the gravel on the walkway. This was the part I feared telling him. I hated that their friendship would most likely be destroyed because of this.

“What about Max?” He asked through gritted teeth.

Still not looking up at him, I answered truthfully, “I was really upset and I just wanted to drown my sorrows in alcohol so he took me back to his place.” I paused for a deep breath. “I needed someone to talk to. We started doing shots and…”

“And what, Scarlett? What. The. Fuck. Happened?” He grabbed my arm and pulled me to where I was standing directly in front of him.

Yanking my arm out of his grasp, I lifted my chin and looked him directly in the eye. I was still so mad at him over running back to Bentley, so hurt that he could throw away what we had. “I fucked him.I fucked him to try and forget you. I fucked him so that you wouldn’t have the honor of being the only person I have ever slept with. ”

He didn’t even give me a chance to say another word. He took off back towards the wedding festivities on a rampage.

“Mason stop! Stop right now! This isn’t his fault! This is about you and me! This has nothing to do with him!” I called after him.

He stopped and turned around. “When he decided to stick his dick inside of you it became about him! I don’t fucking care what the circumstances were. He knew better. He fucking knew better!”

I wasn’t sure where he came from, but all of a sudden Max was walking up behind Mason. “You’re right. I did know better,” he said.

Mason’s head whipped around to look at him. He took off towards him. “You fucking asshole!” he screamed as he punched him in the face without warning. Max stood there, not even attempting to defend himself as Mason reared back to hit him again.

“NOOOO!!!” I ran to both of them. “Stop! Stop this right now!”

“Get out of the way, Scarlett,” Max said, blood trickling down from his nose and lip. “I deserve this.”

Ignoring him, I got in between the two of them, facing Mason. “Stop it right fucking now. We are at Mina and Noah’s wedding and we are not doing this here.” He took a step back. His hand was still balled in a fist and his entire body was shaking. I had never seen the rage in his eyes that he had in that moment. “This is not Max’s fault, it’s mine… actually, scratch that, it’s YOURS! You chose Mase. You chose your music and your career and you chose her. End of.”

“I didn’t choose her Scarlett,” he said, lowering his voice a bit. “I would never choose anyone over you.”

“Really?” I scoffed. “It sure didn’t sound that way that night I was talking on the phone with her. She was in your apartment and I heard you call out to her to bring you a towel. Or did I just imagine that entire scenario?”

“What? No… you don’t understand,” he tried to explain. “It wasn’t…”

“I absolutely understand Mason. I get it, okay? It’s over. We are over. We both just need to move on.”

“I didn’t sleep with her Scarlett.”

“Don’t feed me your lies, Mason. It doesn’t matter anymore.”

“It does matter!” he said emphatically. “I didn’t fuck her that night.”

“Whatever…” I rolled my eyes. “‘That night,’ huh? How about this past week? Let me guess… you’ve been sleeping alone, pining after me. That’s the reason for the dark circles under your eyes.”

It was his turn to look down at the ground ashamed.

“So I’m right then, aren’t I?” Thinking about him in bed with someone else made me feel completely nauseous. “Just her or others too?” I wasn’t even sure why I was asking the question, I wasn’t sure if I really wanted to know.

“Not her Scarlett, just others,” he mumbled.

“Oh my god! Are you fucking serious? How many? How many Mason?” I demanded, again not sure I really wanted to know the answer.

“I don’t know… I’ve been really fucked up,” he said as he looked up into my eyes pleadingly. “I’m sorry Angel. I thought you left me for Ash, and I was hurting and I felt empty and I just wanted to lose myself.”

When he said he didn’t know how many, I lost it. I stepped towards him and slapped the shit out of his face. “You fucking make me sick. You don’t know how many? What is wrong with you?”

“Please don’t do this Angel. I’m so sorry. I haven’t been in my right mind. I just knew that once you were back around him, that it would be over for us. Y’all would reconnect with all of your old feelings and you would regret your decision of choosing me. And after what I witnessed tonight, my worst fears were confirmed.”

“I never would’ve been in the situation to run back to him if you wouldn’t have abandoned me. If you would’ve made an effort over the last month… if you would’ve been with me instead of her that night like you were supposed to have been, none of this would’ve ever happened.” I could see his eyes begin to water, but I didn’t care. I was so pissed off. “You did this. You sent me back to him. And you are right. He and I share something that I can never explain to you. It doesn’t mean that I didn’t love you and I didn’t give our relationship my all because I did! Right up until the point I had to hear that bitch’s voice on your phone, in your apartment at two o’clock in the fucking morning!”

“Angel, I’m trying to tell you that…”

“I. Don’t. Care. You hear me? I don’t care anymore. It’s over. We are through. I’m done.” I turned around to see Max still standing there, bloody face and all. He reached his hand out to me.

“Please don’t do this,” Mason begged. “I understand why you needed Max. I understand why you turned to Ash. We can get through this. I forgive you, I just need you to forgive me and we can save this.”

I swung around to look at him one final time. “Get off the drugs Mase. They are making you delusional already. There is nothing left to save. Go follow your dream, I’m gonna go find mine.” Grabbing Max’s hand, we walked away, leaving him standing there. I truly felt in my heart that I would never see him again.

Ash was waiting for us right inside the tent. He took one look at both of us and said, “Let’s get out of here.” Not getting an argument from either of us, we said our goodbyes and took off to the parking lot in silence.


The drive back to Austin was the loneliest three hours of my life. I felt like I had just died. The happiness I had found with her was my reason for living, the thought of spending the rest of my life with her was my motivation each and every day. My actions over the last week without her was proof that I didn’t fucking care about anyone or anything else, myself included.

I had to go there though. I had to hear it from her. I had no fucking idea that Bentley had answered my phone that night. Her call had never shown up in the call history so I was sure Bentley had erased it… thinking about how she had fucked up my life made me so fucking pissed off I couldn’t see straight. I decided it was best to handle that conversation when I got back to Austin. I needed to cool down before talking to anyone, especially her. I needed talk to the guys first, but as far as I was concerned she was out. If Jag wanted to take over, I was fine with that, but I wasn’t dealing with that bitch any longer.

And then the Max thing… FUUUCCCKKK! Thinking about it gave me a headache. The fact that she ran to him because of Bentley made me even more furious. I was going to kill someone. I still wasn’t sure how she ended up with Ash after Max or where she had gone… it really didn’t matter anymore anyways. I needed a drink in a bad way and I wasn’t sure that was even going to make a dent in the pain I was feeling.

After returning Boone’s car to him, I got on my bike and headed back to my apartment. It was pretty late at this point and I hoped I could catch up with Sebastian before he and Cruz headed out for the night. I knew he would have some party favors sure to help take the edge off. I killed the bike and headed straight to their place.

Cruz answered the door, dressed ready to hit the bars, and I could see Sebastian standing at the bar behind him. I didn’t say anything, I just walked in and into the kitchen and grabbed a beer.

“Yeah, come on in, fucker. Make yourself at home. Can I get you something to drink?” Cruz said facetiously as he shut the door and followed me.

I chugged the entire sixteen ounce bottle in one drink, threw that one away, and grabbed another. “I need something tonight,” I demanded.

Sebastian looked up from the joint he was rolling. “What? This?” He looked down at his hands.

“Stronger,” I replied.

“Rat…” Cruz warned. “What happened man? I don’t think this is a good idea. We leave in a couple of days…”

“Shut the fuck up. I didn’t ask for your opinion.” I turned back to Sebastian and asked, “What all do you have?”
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