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Amarilly of Clothes-line Alley

Page 100

Work on the Boarder's Annex was begun with frantic zeal, each and every

member of the Jenkins family lending a helping hand. The Boarder, as

boss carpenter, worked after switching hours until it grew dark; then

the children took turns, in holding a lantern for him. The savings of

the Boarder being taxed by the trip to "Niagry" and the furnishing of

the apartment, great economy had to be exercised in the erecting of the

Annex. He strictly adhered to his determination not to touch the "rainy

day fund."

Amarilly pleaded for a bay window, but the Boarder felt this

ornamentation to be quite beyond his means, so they finally compromised

on a small and simple porch on which Lily Rose could sit of a summer

night while the Boarder smoked by her side. Mrs. Jenkins, moved to

memories long dormant of the home of her youth, suggested blinds instead

of window-shades, but the Boarder after much figuring proved adamantine

in resistance to this temptation.

Lily Rose was the only one who made no suggestions. Anything the Boarder

might construct in the way of a nesting place was beautiful in her eyes.

"She'd be too sorter modist-like to tell me if she was sot on any

perticler thing about the new place," he confided wistfully to Amarilly,

"You're so sharp I wish you'd kinder hint around and find out what she

wants. Jest put out some feelers."

Amarilly diplomatically proceeded to put out "feelers," and after much

maneuvering joyously imparted to the Boarder the information that Lily

Rose loved to look at the one solitary tree that adorned the Jenkins

lot, because to her it meant "the country."

"So that's the way she loves to look out," informed Amarilly, "and, you

see there isn't any window on that side of your rooms."

"There shall be one," declared the Boarder firmly.

"Couldn't you make it a bay?" again coaxed Amarilly, "It's on the side

the sun comes in most, and the doctor said Lily Rose should get all the

sunlight she could. If she could sit in that bay window sunny days next

winter it would be better than medicine for her."

The Boarder sighed.

"Don't tempt me, Amarilly. There ain't a cent more I kin squeeze out."

"I'll think out a way," thought Amarilly confidently.

She took the matter to Colette, who instantly and satisfactorily solved

the problem, and Amarilly returned radiant.

"She says you've saved too much out for furniture, and to build the bay

window from the furniture fund."

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