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Always Been Mine

Page 58

By the time it was all over Alex was as ruffled as wet rooster. In the same token, he was equally impressed with Valerie. He didn’t think he could be anymore fascinated with her than he’d already been before this event.

After making their exit, Alex stopped just as they turned the corner of the club and pulled her too him looking her in the eyes. “So, how come I’ve never heard your impression of Mae West before?”

The corner of her lips went up. “It’s something I only picked up a few months ago.”

Alex wasn’t sure what to think about that. Before he could say anything, she smiled the sexiest of smiles, and stroked his chest with her small hand, making him suck in a breath. “A hard man is good to find.”

The impression of Mae West was again perfect. Alex squeezed her then kissed her softly like he’d wanted to all night. He’d never forgive himself for having wasted an entire year being an idiot.

They walked back to the car slowly kissing every few feet. A few feet away from his truck she stopped him just Alex was about to kiss her. “Alex, you have a flat.”

He turned to his truck. Sure thing, as flat as they got.

“Damn. How did that happen?” He let go of Valerie’s hand and went over to get a better look.

“Maybe you ran over a nail?” Valerie offered.

Alex crouched down and saw the damage. “No, nail, babe.”

Valerie stood trembling hugging herself and rubbing her arms. “What was it then?”

“Someone slashed it.” Alex stood up and looked around. As far as he could see, the other three tires were fine. Whoever did this might not have had time to do the rest. That meant only one thing, they hadn’t gotten far. His eyes searched the parking lot but there was no one suspicious anywhere.

When his eyes finally met Valerie’s he could see she’d been unnerved. He knew what she was thinking, because it was exactly what he was thinking. Bruce.

Great. He’d been all set for a night of digging further into all that he’d missed out of in her life this past year, especially finding out more on her relationship with Luke. And the ridiculous notion that she’d be attending a seminar with him. One she seemed too damn excited about. All that would have to wait now. There was a bigger issue to talk about first.


Valerie sat in Alex’s truck, feeling terrible. Alex replaced the tire. He’d also called the police and was now outside as they finished taking the report. Alex was convinced this was Bruce’s doing, and he wanted everything from here on documented. He said when, not if Bruce went down, he wanted him put away for a very long time if not for good.

According to prosecutor Moreno, each one of these incidents would add to the severity of the penalty. Alex wouldn’t let her deal with this on her own. Not by a long shot. He was beyond concerned, and Valerie knew he wouldn’t let up, especially now.

His eyebrow had been up and stayed up at attention the entire time he spoke with the police. Valerie held her breath as he climbed in the truck. They’d already had a pretty long night and it was about to get longer.

Valerie knew Alex would go into full-blown warden mode now. But she wasn’t about to let him take over every aspect of her life. She had her pepper spray and though she hadn’t had time to tell Alex, she’d already started looking into purchasing a gun. It was a trivial detail she knew she should’ve mentioned sooner, but her gut told her he’d overreact.

“I already talked to Sal.” Alex turned the ignition on and began pulling out of the parking space. “He was coming down anyway for the rehearsal dinner this weekend, so, he’s cool with coming in a day early. He’ll cover for me at the restaurant all day. We’ll go see about that restraining order first thing in the morning.”

“Alex, I can go by myself. You don’t have to take the day off just for that. The rehearsal dinner is on Saturday. Don’t you have a million things to do at the restaurant for that?”

This was exactly what she didn’t want. Alex had enough on his plate already. The last thing he needed was to add to it.

Alex didn’t even flinch. “Sal can handle the restaurant. Listen, I was thinking maybe you can start going to your apartment after work especially when I’m working late. Then when I get off, I can swing by and follow you back to my place.”

“What?” Valerie shook her head. “Alex, no. There’s no need for all that. You can’t…”

“You said this guy showed up at one of the properties you were showing right?” Alex stared straight ahead, his brows furrowed in deep thought. “When and where is the next property you’ll be showing?”

“I’m not sure. I was supposed to tomorrow, but…”

He turned to look at her. “What time?”

“In the afternoon.” Valerie felt the frustration building. He was doing exactly what she’d thought he’d do. Taking over her life and forgetting about his own.

Alex’s eyes were back on the road again. “We should be done by the afternoon. I can go with you.”

“Wait Alex, you’re not listening to me. I show properties all the time. You can’t be there every time. It’s not even necessary.”

“I’ll think of something.”

“No you won’t.”

Alex turned to look at her. His forehead fully pinched. “This guy’s dangerous, Val. I’ll be damned if—”

“You can’t possibly think that you are going to guard me 24/7. You have your own life. I won’t have you putting it aside for me. Besides…” She glanced out the window, not wanting to see his expression when she made her next statement, “I’m getting a gun.”

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