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Always Been Mine

Page 46

He continued to run his thumb against her nipple while sucking on the other one. As long as the wait had been, Valerie couldn’t believe he was taking his time. She wanted him in her now. She was so ready. All she could do was gasp with pleasure as his tongue tugged at her nipple.

His hand moved slowly down her stomach making her tremble. When he reached down into her panties, she felt his breathing get rougher. “Alex, please.” She could barely get the desperate plea out.

He pulled at her panties, ripping them in the process, and she moaned, spreading her legs for him, willing him onto her already. His big hand cupped her and he groaned. His finger moved slowly in between her legs. Valerie licked her lips and kissed his beautiful hard shoulder. His finger found the most pleasurable of places, and he toyed with it. “You’re so warm and wet, sweetheart.”

He lifted his face to hers. Even his breath against her lips was a torment. But he didn’t kiss her. His piercing eyes watched her as his finger played with her slowly. She wriggled and gasped squeezing her eyes shut. She was going to climax much sooner than she’d expected. She bit her lip and spread her legs wider as her arousal heightened to a place only Alex could take her.

The expression on his face was pure awe. He was enjoying making her go wild.

“Alex,” she gasped.

“Go with it, Valerie. I wanna feel you on my fingers.”

His finger moved faster now but rhythmically. So, perfectly, she wouldn’t last much longer. She could feel the build up. Her body tingled in delight. Then just as she felt her arousal peak, he leaned over, licked her bottom lip, and whispered. “You’re mine, Valerie, and always have been.”

She cried out as the lightening bolt of sensation overwhelmed her entire body. The finger that devastated her senses slid into her and moved around, making her orgasm that much stronger. She closed her eyes tight. His finger never stopped as she moaned, unashamed.

Catching her breath was a struggle. When she opened her eyes, he was still staring at her. “Beautiful, baby.” Then he donned that perfect smile. “My turn.”

Valerie lay there still breathing hard and enjoying the aftershocks. All her senses were still at their peak.

She didn’t realize, that Alex had stripped down to nothing, had slipped a condom on, and was now on her. His chiseled body was beautiful. She’d only seen sculptures that even came close to his. Everything was perfect, and then she saw it as big and ready as she remembered and fantasized about all this time away from him.

Immediately, she was aroused again. She spread her legs in raw anticipation and he lowered himself onto her. She arched her back, letting out another moan when she felt the hot wet tip touch her. Her hips lifted eagerly.

She was still throbbing, and yet she felt so ready for more. Alex put his hand behind her waist lifting her to him and entered her. He slid in, thrusting slowly at first.

“I’m sorry, baby. I can’t hold back anymore.” He strained to speak.

“Don’t” She wrapped her legs around his big hard waist wanting him in her deeper and harder.

Alex groaned louder, and she felt another climax building. Valerie lifted her hips wanting him as deep as possible. Each time she got closer and closer and when she finally cried out in pleasure, Alex groaned loudly. He buried himself in her and held tight. She usually loved watching him come, but she was busy enjoying her own immense pleasure. It was stronger than the first time. She continued to moan softly with every throb.

Alex laid his body on her gently. She felt his heart pounding against her own heaving chest.

“Never again.” He gasped.

That confused her. “What do you mean?”

“Never again will we be apart.”

Valerie smiled. “I love you, Alex.”

“I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of hearing you say that, sweetheart.” He lifted himself on his elbow and kissed her. “I love you, too. Forever.”

Valerie still couldn’t believe the impossibility of this night. If she woke up in her bed and this all had been a dream, she was going to kill someone.


The next morning, Alex was up early, annoyed that he hadn’t anticipated last night going so well, and didn’t schedule enough people to cover him today. He wanted nothing more than to stay home and enjoy Valerie all day. Instead, he’d be at the restaurant all day.

He just poured himself a cup of coffee when Valerie walked into the kitchen. She wore one of his t-shirts and nothing else. Remembering he’d torn her panties off last night, the thought of nothing on underneath gave him an immediate erection. “I’m sorry, Val. I didn’t mean to wake you.”

Valerie smiled, walking to him. “After the night we had, I thought we’d sleep for days.”

She wrapped her arms around his waist. He kissed her head and frowned. “I have to go into the restaurant today. But I’m gonna try to duck out of there early.”

Valerie looked up at him. “That’s okay. Do what you have to do, just don’t disappear on me.”

“Never again.” Alex leaned down and kissed her.

She looked so beautiful even in the morning. All her makeup was gone. Not that she wore that much, but after several sweaty rounds last night they’d taken a shower together. Her face was breathtakingly fresh.

Thoughts of everything they did last night flooded his mind, and he was ready to take her again. But it would have to wait. Time wasn’t on his side this morning but there were a few things Alex wanted to get straight with her immediately.

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