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All I Need is You

Page 61

Kay’s eyes lit up. “What is it? Tell me?” She tackled him and he staggered back, laughing as he tried to keep them upright.

“I’m not saying a word. Now, is there anything you need from the other room for the night?” He deposited her back on the bed and kissed her on top of the head, breathing in her scent.

“So, I’m sleeping in here from now on?” Kay hugged her knees to her chest. She looked so cute with her curls standing up on top of her head and a bashful smile on her face.

“Damn straight you are. I love this room. Every single thing in here I picked out personally. I love sharing that with you. I just couldn’t show it to you before.”

“Because you were worried about how I’d react to your freak supplies?”

He pushed her back on the bed, covering her with his body. “Oh, you’re going to pay for that one.”

“Am I?” She giggled.

Her laughter rang out and filled all the empty spaces in his heart.


KAY OPENED HER eyes the next morning and let out a startled shriek. Her reflection blinked back at her. The blankets were twisted around her legs and her hair was wild around her head. Her horrified expression perfectly matched how she felt inside.

“Okay, that was sexy at night. Not so much when I have bed head and morning breath.”

Eli mumbled something in response and rolled in her direction, his eyes half-lidded with sleep. He looked mouthwatering in the morning, wearing nothing more than muscles and a smile. His arm darted out and dragged her against his chest, his head immediately moving to the curve between her neck and shoulder.

Kay’s thoughts blurred as his tongue dragged up the side of her neck. She was plastered against him, the curve of her bottom pillowed against the hard muscles of his abdomen. One of his thighs came up between her legs, and she shuddered when it pressed right between her thighs.

“You’re beautiful in the morning,” he muttered. His right hand meandered lazily down and stroked her over the cotton panties she’d worn to bed.

She gasped. The man was a menace, and he wasn’t even fully awake.

She swatted his hand away. “Oh, no you don’t! You’re just trying to sweet-talk me into morning nookie.”

His deep chuckle in her ear was almost as arousing as the hard length pressing against her bottom. “Is it working?”

Just then Hope’s plaintive cry echoed down the hallway. Kay immediately sat up. Eli did, too. He pressed a quick kiss to her shoulder before he climbed out of bed.

“You’re exhausted. I should know since I’m the one who exhausted you. I’ll get her.”

“Are you sure? She needs a diaper change.” Kay didn’t doubt that he had the best intentions, but morning diapers weren’t for the uninitiated.

“I may not have kids, but Jackson’s two boys used to produce diapers that looked like toxic waste. I think I can handle it.”

“Okay. She’ll only eat dry cereal in the morning. She can eat it with her fingers.”

“Got it,” he replied. His voice was muffled since he was in the middle of pulling on a sweatshirt. He stepped into the pair of jeans he’d left on the floor the prior night, then he leaned over the bed to give her another kiss.

“Sleep in a little bit. We’ll be fine.” He tapped the end of her nose and then he was gone.

Kay flopped back down in the bed and listened with half an ear to the familiar sounds of morning. Hope’s chatter was easily distinguishable from Eli’s deep rumble. Then there was the clanging of cabinets and the soft thunk of Hope hitting the table as she ate her cereal. It was comforting, these sounds of home and family. Before she knew it, she’d dozed off again. When she awoke, it was quiet.

She took a shower and dressed before going up front to look for them. When she got there, she stopped short at the sight of the man and woman on the couch.

“Jackson! And Ridley! What are you doing here?” Kay clapped her hands over her mouth.

“Surprise,” Eli whispered. He came up behind her and kissed her on the side of the neck. “I know you’ve been lonely and feeling stuck in the house, so I asked Jackson if they could come by.”

Kay turned to him and kissed him, not even caring that they had an audience. “I can’t believe you did this for me.”

Ridley pulled her into a hug. “I am so happy to see you.”

Her friend had announced her pregnancy over Christmas, and she wore it well, glowing and happy. “You look fantastic. And you haven’t gained an ounce. How is that possible?”

Ridley shrugged. “I just hope I don’t have as rough of a time as Raina did. Although, she wasn’t a healthy weight when she got pregnant. She’s been living the model life so long she thinks it’s normal to eat lettuce and breath mints as a meal. I need food!”

“We can certainly make that happen.” Kay followed Ridley into the kitchen. Apparently her friend had brought along a bunch of food because the counter was covered with Tupperware containers and takeout boxes.

“Did you guys bring us dinner?”

Ridley blushed and looked at the boxes ruefully. “No, that’s just the food I brought along as snacks. I told you I was hungry!”

They laughed and linked arms as they walked back to the couch. “I want to hear everything that you and Jackson have been up to lately.”

Ridley glanced back at Eli. “I think I’d rather hear what you’ve been up to.”

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