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All I Need is You

Page 30

Kay shivered next to him, tremors wracking her body so hard Eli could feel them through the layers of their coats.

“Hey, it’s going to be all right. Come here.” He rubbed a brisk hand up and down her back. She’d been quiet the whole time they were walking.

Too quiet.

“Kay, I’m not going to let anything happen to you. As soon as my brother gets here, we’re going into hiding.”

She nodded against his chest, her face brushing against the exposed skin of his neck. “I know. I just can’t believe this is happening. I’ve never hurt anybody. But someone out there wants me dead enough to put a bomb under our car.”

Eli’s arms tightened around her. He pulled out his cell phone.

Agent Harris had been the bane of his existence for years, but there were certain advantages to being on the FBIs radar. They’d used him for information for years, and it was only recently that they’d made significant progress locating members of the Circle. The group was now suspected of being a huge part of the influx of cocaine into the country, and his intel had helped them find several cells and infiltrate them. They needed him alive. He wasn’t above using that if it would help him keep Kay safe.

He dialed and Harris answered on the first ring. He didn’t bother with a greeting. “I don’t know if this is related to what you sent me, but someone just blew up my car.”

“Your location?”

“My hometown. I need you to keep my name out of that police report.” The last thing they needed was the New Haven Police Department splashing his name and picture around as a person of interest in a bombing case.

“Done. Did you see anyone beforehand? Or notice anything out of the ordinary?”

“No. But then again, you and I both know if this is our friends, then I wouldn’t have seen anything. They’re too good.”

“You need somewhere to stay?”

“No. I’ve got that covered.” Eli hung up as a black Mercedes sedan pulled up to the curb next to them. Kaylee inched behind him, her fingers digging into the sleeve of his jacket. The window rolled down and Nick’s face appeared. “Need a ride?”

Kay let out a soft sigh. “Hi, Nick.”

Eli opened the door for her and ushered her into the back. He glanced behind him, his eyes roving over the people and buildings on the street. Was someone following them even now? A woman walked by with several shopping bags, and Eli peered at her. When she noticed his gaze, her fingers clutched her bags tighter as she scampered away. He ducked his head and folded himself into the front seat.

“Still driving this clown car, I see.” Eli rolled his shoulders in the tight space, feeling like he’d bump out a window if he raised his arms too high. His brother liked his toys. Eli preferred his truck any day. The truck which was now blown to pieces in a restaurant parking lot. He sighed.

Nick patted the steering wheel as he pulled out into traffic. “Don’t talk about my baby that way.”

Eli snorted and then turned to look into the backseat. Kay sat behind Nick, curled up against the window. When their eyes met, she smiled tremulously, almost as if trying to reassure him. His chest tightened. She was holding up better than he’d expected, but she shouldn’t have to be this strong. She was the kind of woman meant for cozy nights by the fire and cuddling under soft sheets. Not running from danger and matching wits with criminals.

It was no doubt going to come back to haunt him asking for Agent Harris’ help, but if making them think he was the target meant they’d use their resources to find the guy faster, so be it. He had no problem with a little creative restructuring of events if it meant Kay was safe. What if she’d gone out to the car with him? She could have died.

More blood on his hands. Another life he couldn’t save.

LATER, KAY WOULDN’T be able to recall exactly how she’d spent the next few hours. She remembered Nick picking them up and Tank being at the Alexanders’ house when they’d arrived. It had crossed her mind then just how calm everyone else seemed. Nick hadn’t acted as though anything had occurred outside of the ordinary. They could have been calling him for a ride for any reason. Tank was polite and direct, just as he usually was, although he’d seemed to have a gentler manner when speaking to her than usual.

Eli himself had been at his gruff best, barking out orders on his cell phone to she could only guess who. There seemed to be no end to what he could make happen with just a phone call. Within a short period, he had a new black SUV delivered to them along with a suitcase full of clothes for Kaylee. She’d opened the bag, shocked to see her own things. Whoever had packed her stuff had also included things for Hope, including pajamas, diapers, and wipes.

They’d driven to her parents’ house to pick up Hope. She definitely remembered her mother’s shock and dismay at the news that they were leaving town.

“We don’t even know this young man. I know he’s been working to protect you, but this seems so drastic.”

“Mom, we have to take drastic steps. Someone put a bomb under our car. It’s not safe for me to stay in the open.” Kaylee had reached over to take Hope from her mother.

“And where will you be sleeping?”

“Mom! I’m sure there will be plenty of room wherever we’re going. This isn’t… it’s not like that.”

Henrietta had placed her hands on her hips, making Kay feel like a teenager who’d been late for curfew.

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