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Page 67

“But surely she’d understand,” I say, but Glenn is shaking his head, cutting me off.

“No…she lived in a violent household when she and Mom were with Cosmo. She’s been through things much worse, and she’s told me to always turn the other cheek.”

I almost rear backward over this revelation. I’m surprised first that Glenn would even know any such details of Sutton’s life before Jim rescued her and her mother, and second, I’m stunned that violence was part of the f**ked-up existence that Sutton lived in with her drugged-out father. Suddenly, I’m wishing I had punched Cosmo Price rather than shook his hand last week.

“What exactly did Sutton tell you about when she lived with her—with Cosmo?”

“No real details because she thinks I’m just a kid, but just generally things like hitting another person doesn’t solve a problem. She told me that she had been hit a lot and sometimes she wanted to react the same way, but she always told herself to be the bigger person. I want to be a bigger person like Sutton, but maybe I’m just as bad as Cosmo.”

Holy f**k, but that’s a messed-up thought for any kid to have running through his head. Bending down into a squat so I can look Glenn in the eye, I tell him. “Look, Sutton’s right about what she’s saying. Violence shouldn’t be the answer. But sometimes…we all do things in a moment of passion. Sometimes we make decisions based on pure emotion, and sometimes they are wrong. Now, I don’t know if it was right or wrong that you hit that kid. Part of me wants to pat you on the back for it, because it was wonderful that you stood up for someone weaker than yourself. But all that really matters is that if you think it was wrong, then you are remorseful for it. It seems to me that you are.”

Glenn nods his head in understanding and, yup, there’s relief there. “Should I tell Sutton?”

“Only if you feel the need, buddy. Sometimes secrets are okay, but I’m sure if you told her, she would totally understand.”

“Yeah,” he says, his smile breaking wide. “She’s pretty cool.”

“The coolest,” I say emphatically. “How about I give you my phone number and if you want to call me at any time, you can.”

“Really?” Glenn asks, his eyes going wide.

“Sure thing. I can’t promise the best advice but I’ll help you figure it out.”

“Thanks, Alex,” he says and I stand up, reaching out to ruffle his hair.

“You two done with your bonding shit in here?” Garrett says as he walks back into the kitchen. “I’m ready to get my post-meal nap on.”

“Eavesdropper,” I accuse even as Glenn chortles. “And don’t cuss in front of the kid.”

Garrett snorts at me as he walks by and then grabs Glenn in a headlock as he drags him into the living room. “Kid’s heard far worse than that, I guarantee. I’ll give him my number too, that way he has a backup in case you’re not available.”

“That’s freakin’ awesome,” Glenn says, even as he tries to squirm out of Garrett’s hold before he gets a noogie on his head.

Rolling my eyes, I follow them in, because I’m positive Glenn has heard worse than that. At least I’m sensitive to being a bit of a better role model than Garrett and try to keep my cursing to a minimum when I’m in his presence.

As we enter the living room, Glenn lets out a squeal because Garrett indeed gives him a good noogie and the nappers all come awake with guilty looks on their faces for having dozed so quickly.

“Come on, brat,” Garrett says as he releases Glenn and gives him a slight push toward the front door. “Let’s go take a walk around the block. I’m afraid I’ll slip into a coma right now if I don’t.”

Glenn’s face lights up like he has just been awarded the Stanley Cup, and then they’re out the door.

Blinking at me with a sleepy smile on her face, Sutton stands up from the couch. I walk up to her and she pushes me down into her seat, and then crawls onto my lap.

Her mom, Penny, who’s sitting on the other end, smiles warmly at me. I cast a glance at her dad sitting across from us in his recliner, but Jim has his eyes glued to the TV, although there is a tiny tilt upward of his lips. I’m not sure if that’s approval of our display of affection or not, but I choose to go with it. Wrapping my arms around her, I sigh in almost contentment when she tucks her face into my neck and drapes one arm across my chest.

After a few moments, I note that Sutton’s breathing has slowed down and it appears she’s fallen back asleep. I rest my cheek on the top of her head and watch the football game. I’m a little drowsy from all the food but I resist the urge to fall under. For now, I just want to savor my existence at this moment.

I’m sitting in a family home, filled with kind and loving people. I just had a wonderful meal where we talked and joked. I helped a little kid with a problem and I have a gorgeous woman who I’m crazy about curled up on my lap.

If you had asked me two months ago whether I could envision myself here, I would have said not a snowball’s chance in hell. I have a hard time believing the reality of the situation.

Whether it will last or not, I don’t have a f**king crystal ball. So the most I can do is relish these moments. I am trying to make myself open to all possibilities.

Last week, I admittedly got freaked out when Sutton made love to me. And yes, that was not f**king and it wasn’t hot sex…it was making love. She rode me so slowly, with such consummate carefulness, I had never been that in tune with a woman in my life. I swear I could feel her blood vibrating through her veins and feel the heat emanating from her skin. Her eyes were so lustrously warm, they caused my own blood to fire painfully hot in response.

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