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Page 53

“Fuck!” I yelled as I jumped up and ran buck-ass na**d into the kitchen. Opening the oven door, I looked in and saw that the lasagna I had put under the broiler just before she rang the doorbell was burnt to a black crisp, smoke curling away from the pan and rising into the air.

“Guess we’re ordering pizza, huh?”

Turning around, I saw Sutton standing there—just as na**d as I was—with a grin on her face.

“Sorry,” I muttered with an apologetic grin. “Guess I got sidetracked when I saw you in my doorway.”

Sutton sauntered up to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. She pressed her body in warmly to mine, and I felt my c**k jump at the contact. “I’m glad it burned. I rather liked the way you greeted me tonight.”

I kissed her then, softly, because I hadn’t even bothered to kiss her before when I was just f**king her in my living room a moment ago. Her tongue met mine and we moved our mouths against each other with delicate softness.

And while the kiss was sweet and sensitive, it in no way diminished my lust, which was growing for her once more, as evidenced by the fact I was getting hard again.

“How hungry are you?” I asked as I pulled away from her lips.

“Not very,” she whispered, her fingertips grazing across one of my ni**les.

Fuck, that felt good.

“We’ll order pizza later,” I told her as I bent down and lifted her up over my shoulder.

Giggling, she braced herself with her hands on my lower back. “What are we doing now?”

Smoothing my hand over her ass as I walked out of my kitchen and toward my bedroom, I told her, “Round two. Then we’ll eat.”

Yeah, we went at it just as hard, and I love the wild, uninhibited f**king with Sutton. She loves it too, I can tell. Just the thought of it starts my dick twitching again, so I take another slice of pizza from the box to refocus my attention for just a few minutes.

“So has Brandon tried to contact you?” I ask casually. I’m not worried about the moron. He doesn’t present a threat to me, but I don’t want him bugging Sutton if she’s not into him. She doesn’t need the stress.

“Yeah, he called me a few times today but I haven’t called him back yet,” she says, picking a piece of pepperoni off her slice of pizza and folding it delicately with her fingers. Then she pops it in her mouth, licking the grease off.

Yup…my dick jumps again just watching her do something as innocuous as eating a piece of pepperoni.

“Why do you have to call him back? Just ignore him,” I say simply, taking another bite of pizza.

Sutton shrugs her shoulders with a quick jerk, her brows furrowed inward. “I guess I feel like I owe him an explanation or something.”

Setting my slice of pizza down on my paper plate, I wipe my hands with a napkin, ball it up and then throw it down on the table. “Why do you think you owe him? He dumped you, right?”

My question isn’t asked with any censure implied. I’m genuinely curious as to why she feels this way.

“I guess because there was a time I loved him. And because he once gave me an explanation. He didn’t have to, but it was important to him to do so. I may not like what he told me, but I’ve always appreciated his honesty.”

My gut clenches a bit over hearing her proclaim she had love for the guy. I know rationally that they once loved each other, but hearing it said out loud, in conjunction with the fact that she feels an obligation to him, doesn’t feel so hot. A flash of jealousy hits me hard and I try to tamp it down.

And because I really need to know exactly how she feels about me, and because I’m too chickenshit to ask her outright about it, I go in a roundabout way. “Do you still have feelings for him? Want me to back out of the picture?”

I pose the question in a lighthearted way, trying to convey that her answer isn’t really that important. Only I know—in this very moment—how f**king important it is, which I suppose is why I’m holding my breath awaiting her answer.

Sutton picks up her own napkin and wipes her fingers. After she lays it down on her plate, she leans forward onto her hands and knees and crawls toward me across the carpet and around the edge of the coffee table. Without pausing a beat, she crawls right onto my lap and straddles me.

My hands immediately go under her bare ass, gripping her softly, and the semi I have been battling since the pizza arrived goes full mast.

She wraps her arms around my neck, leaning her head down and kissing me softly on my neck. When she pulls back, she looks at me thoughtfully. “No, I don’t have feelings for him. Nothing beyond a vague fondness for what we had. He was my first love, so that was special. And I most certainly don’t want you to back out of the picture. Any other questions?”

“Actually…I do have another question,” I tell her. It’s something I’ve been mulling over since last night. “I was snooping through your medicine cabinet at your house before I left this morning, looking for some mouthwash.”

Her eyebrows rise upward over my confession and she smirks at me in good humor. “Sneaky.”

“I know,” I confirm. “I found your mouthwash, which I’m hoping made for a better kiss goodbye, but I also noticed the birth control pills in there.”

“Yeah?” she drawls in question over where I’m going.

I hesitate for a moment, which is completely un-Alex-like. I never hesitate over anything, which is a testament to the overinflated ego that my father helped to create.

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