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I’m not exactly sure what is happening here, but I suppose an outsider would say I’m developing a relationship with someone.

My first.

Sadly, my only, and I hope I don’t screw it up.

Chapter 14


“You seriously want to take the boys out with us?” I ask Alex for what I think may be the third time.

“It’s a little too late to change my mind,” he says, looking in the rearview mirror of his Suburban to check on Glenn and his two friends in the backseat. “I’ve already invited them. I’m pretty sure they’d riot if I canceled.”

Looking over my left shoulder, I can’t help but grin at Glenn and his two neighborhood buddies, Mickey and Tyrone. Glenn is sitting in the middle, wearing the Cold Fury jersey that Alex gave him. They are all three looking at the game programs they got when we arrived at the arena earlier this afternoon to watch Alex play. Alex had given me four tickets and the original idea had been to bring Glenn, Mom and Jim-Dad. However, my parents backed out the minute they realized Glenn would be happier bringing two of his friends, a move that was sure to earn him cool points and bump up his street cred—especially since the tickets were given to him by Alex Crossman himself. Alex suggested that the boys and I take a cab to the game and he would shuttle us around after, an offer I was all too happy to take him up on—and Glenn and his buddies weren’t complaining either.

Glenn glances up and catches me looking at him with what must be a dopey look on my face, because he shoots me back a toothy grin and actually winks at me. Rolling my eyes, I turn around and face forward.

Turning slightly in my seat to face Alex, I take in the surety with which he is driving the huge SUV, his left wrist casually resting across the top of the steering wheel while he leans his elbow on the center console between us. His profile is as stunning as his front view—it’s a view that I don’t ever tire of looking at.

“It was really nice to invite the kids. I hope it didn’t mess up whatever it was you had planned,” I tell him, turning back to look out the window. We had originally made plans to get something to eat with him after the game, but as soon as we were done eating, I figured we’d bring the kids back to Mom and Jim-Dad’s house because Alex had teased me with the prospect of putting his hands all over me. Instead, Alex had leaned across the table and said, “You guys want to hang out with me and Sutton the rest of the day?”

And of course, the boys screamed in excitement that they did.

Yeah, that was the sweetest thing ever and all I could think was, Just great. How can he put his hands all over me with three kids tagging along?

“It was no biggie. Didn’t change my plans any.”

My head snaps over to his and he doesn’t miss my sudden movement. He glances at me, eyebrows raised in innocence and lips pursed in amusement.

“Where are we going?” I ask with unbearable curiosity. Where is he taking us that the kids can tag along and he can have his way with me? I must admit the suspense is killing me.

He doesn’t answer but turns on his blinker as he slows to make a right-hand turn into the parking lot of the Cold Fury’s practice rink. I had learned during our first lunch date after I watched Alex’s practice session that this is actually a privately owned rink that is open all week for a variety of ice-related activities such as recreational league hockey and figure skating. Alex told me that it closes only when the Cold Fury need it to practice, although most often they practice in the team’s arena.

The parking lot is only about half full and the boys are bouncing in excitement when they see where we are.

“This is where you practice, right?” Mickey asks.

“Sometimes,” Alex says as he opens the car door and I follow suit. Once we are all standing in front of Alex’s SUV, he asks, “Okay, everyone here know how to ice-skate?”

Glenn, Tyrone and Mickey all nod their heads. I don’t know about the other two boys, but I know Glenn has been ice-skating at a small rink one of the local malls sets up at Christmastime.

Alex turns to me and levels those blue eyes at me with seriousness. “And you?”

Shaking my head, I say, “Sorry. Never been.”

The light that overtakes Alex’s face with his smile almost blinds me, but I can’t contemplate it too long because he grabs my hand. Just before turning to pull me toward the front door of the rink, he leans toward me and murmurs, “That’s a shame. Guess I might have to put my hands on you to keep you from falling.”

Incredulous, I turn to look at him as I nudge him in the ribs and whisper. “So that was your big plan to put your hands on me?”

Shrugging his shoulders, Alex reaches for the front door. He opens it and the kids dart in under his arm, and then he motions me forward. Just before I step past him, he lowers his arm and stops my progress. His other hand reaches up and takes a lock of my hair that’s draping over my shoulder. Rubbing it between his fingers, he looks at my hair as if mesmerized, then slides his gaze to me. “That was my big plan, but trust me when I say I’ve thought of other ways too.”

The tone of his voice is seductive, and a zap of electricity seems to course through my body, straight down to make my fingertips tingle. Alex even takes a step in closer to me, and bends down so we are almost nose-to-nose.

“Have you thought of ways? Ways I would put my hands on you?”

Swallowing hard, I can barely get the word out because my mouth has gone dry. “Yes.”

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